Multifactorial analysis of the Army Forces' contribution to disaster and crisis response and their role in Civil Protection in Hellas

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:2925629 211 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Στρατηγικές Διαχείρισης Καταστροφών και Κρίσεων στους Διοικητικούς και Αναπτυξιακούς Τομείς
Library of the School of Science
Deposit date:
Kakampouras Stylianos
Supervisors info:
Βασίλειος Μαρτζάκλης
M.Sc. Αξιωματικός Πυροσβεστικού Σώματος
Πτυχιούχος Δημόσιας Διοίκησης Παντείου Πανεπιστημίου
Expert E.U. Civil Protection Mechanism
Original Title:
Πολυπαραγοντική ανάλυση της συμβολής των Ενόπλων Δυνάμεων στην αντιμετώπιση καταστροφών και κρίσεων και ο ρόλος τους στην Πολιτική Προστασία στην Ελλάδα
Translated title:
Multifactorial analysis of the Army Forces' contribution to disaster and crisis response and their role in Civil Protection in Hellas
The last century we have witnessed unprecedented changes. A plethora of phenomena transformed the world we live in. From wide climatic diversities to holistic wars, our lives have been challenged by innumerous risks. Predominantly, the Greek Civil Protection Agency (GCPA) has been constantly upgraded, setting as a primary goal the protection of citizens’ lives and well-being. The legal basis has been supported all these years with regulations, royal and presidential decisions, that have been constantly modified, repealed or abrogated in order to adapt on the developing need to protect people residing in Greek territory. Therefore, it is agreeably recognized that a great effort is being made from the national GCPA to minimize the consequences of a major disaster.
The Greek Armed Forces have supported all citizens in various circumstances, where their lives that were under threat, either during a peaceful period or in war, protecting them at any cost. In times of peace, apart from the day to day operations, our Armed Forces have the additional task to provide assistance in sensitive social issues without undermining their operability. The above-mentioned assistance might have many forms and is provided even at the most remote areas of the Greek terrain. It is established either by providing trained personnel, materials and resources for the relief of vulnerable people in cases of natural disasters, or by conducting search and rescue operations or by providing healthcare support in emergencies. Furthermore, they are actively engaged in the national fire protection mechanism. The General Staff of National Defense elaborated plans for potential disasters in every area, ensuring concurrently the essential resources to assist local societies. Moreover, it has constituted special disaster response units and specially trained departments, which are unceasingly building their capacity, showing high level of preparedness to operate in any place whenever it is necessary.
The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the approaches and procedures through which the Greek Armed Forces are engaged in the disaster response mechanism, in close cooperation with the political authorities, endorsing ideals that contribute to the common good.
On the first chapter I will analyze the concepts of disasters and on the following chapter I will present their classification. On the third chapter, I will provide a though analysis of the organization, the development and the institutional framework of Greek Civil Protection Agency and the project ‘Xenocrates’. Accordingly, on the fourth chapter I will try to define the tasks implemented by the General Staff of National Defense on the basis of the project ‘Xenocrates’. Consequently, on the fifth chapter I present the social contribution of the General Staff of National Defense and, finally, on the last chapter I evaluate the findings, present my conclusions and share some final thoughts that could be valued as proposals.
Main subject category:
Νatural disasters, civil protection, Armed Forces, ‘Xenocrates’ project, social contribution
Number of index pages:
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Κακάμπουρας _Στυλιανός_18067_Πολυπαραγοντική ανάλυση της συμβολής των Ενόπλων Δυνάμεων στην αντιμετώπιση καταστροφών και κρίσεων και ο ρόλος τους στην Πολιτική Προστασία στην Ελλάδα.pdf (1 MB) Open in new window