Bioaccessibility of potentially toxic elements in environmental sampling means from the wide area of Volos

Graduate Thesis uoadl:2938213 366 Read counter

Department of Geology and Geoenviromment
Library of the School of Science
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Supervisors info:
Ευστράτιος Κελεπερτζής, Επίκουρος Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Γεωλογίας και Γεωπεριβάλλοντος, ΕΚΠΑ
Original Title:
Βιοπροσβασιμότητα δυνητικά τοξικών στοιχείων σε περιβαλλοντικά μέσα δειγματοληψίας από την ευρύτερη περιοχή του Βόλου
Translated title:
Bioaccessibility of potentially toxic elements in environmental sampling means from the wide area of Volos
The present work refers to the bioaccessibility of elements from various environmental materials of the urban and suburban area of Volos. Its purpose was to determine the bioaccessibility of some trace elements (Zn, Pb, Cu, Mn, Cr, Ni), more specifically the amount of these elements that can pass into the human body through the gastric and respiratory tract, as well as to determine the correlation of bioaccessibility concentration with the total concentration and another parameter, the magnetic susceptibility. For this purpose the following environmental materials were collected : a) surface soil from the area of a steel plant in the west (N = 7), from the area of a cement plant in the east (N = 10) and from the city center of Volos (N = 10) b) road dust (N = 12 ) and c) house dust from scattered households from the urban area (N = 15). This area was studied because it was considered a potentially dangerous area, which contains trace elements that could potentially pass into the human body, and consequently, affect human health. This research focuses on the determination of bioaccessibility concentrations by two methods. The first method simulates the gastric environment of the human body in order to determine the oral bioaccessibility of trace elements, while the second method simulates the respiratory system of the human body, from where these soil and dust particles can enter the human body. The analyzes were performed in a 100 μm nylon sieves and the data extracted demonstrate high bioaccessibility concentrations mainly for the trace elements Pb, Zn, Cu and Mn. The research focuses on the high risk of these trace elements, which is observed mainly in the urban area, for both methods, for the elements Zn (SBET median-50%, ALF median -56%) and Pb (SBET median-50%, ALF median -45%). High bioaccessibility concentration was measured mainly in house dust while high magnetic susceptibility to road dust and soil. Samples generally show a high correlation between bioaccessibility and total fraction as well as high correlation between magnetic susceptibility for the elements Zn and Pb. The results of the research contribute to the understanding of the effects of potentially toxic trace elements on human health.
Main subject category:
Bioaccessibility, soil, urban soil, house dust, road dust, potentially toxic elements, heavy metals, urban area, industrial area, human health
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