People belonging in vulnerable groups and emergency sheltering during a crisis or a disaster. Procedures and practices.

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:2942708 74 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Στρατηγικές Διαχείρισης Καταστροφών και Κρίσεων
Library of the School of Science
Deposit date:
Bekelis Georgios
Supervisors info:
X. Γκουντρομίχου (Msc, Emergency Response Operations EU)
Δρ. Ε. Λέκκας,
Καθηγ. ΕΚΠΑ
Δρ. Ν. Βούλγαρης,
Καθηγ. ΕΚΠΑ
Δρ. Σ. Μπλαβούκος,
Αναπλ. Καθηγ. ΟΠΑ
Original Title:
Ευπαθείς ομάδες και χώροι έκτακτων καταλυμάτων κατά τη διαχείριση κρίσης ή καταστροφής. Διαδικασίες, Καλές Πρακτικές.
Translated title:
People belonging in vulnerable groups and emergency sheltering during a crisis or a disaster. Procedures and practices.
In recent years, natural and human related disasters have been escalating in scale and frequency, making a heavy impact on people, communities, infrastructures and the environment. People belonging in vulnerable groups are even more affected by the disasters, because of the extra challenges they have to face by definition.
Evacuating to emergency shelters and having to live there for a time period, often occupies a large part in crisis or disaster management. The problem here is that in a number of cases these shelters are not suited for or accessible to people belonging in vulnerable groups, which in turn leads them to face even greater problems while also having to cope with the crisis or disaster aftermath.
In order to become possible for vulnerable persons to live in accessible and barrier-free shelters, careful and thorough advance planning or alteration making to the current structures is required, as well as suitable personnel training and coordination.
In Chapter 1 there is an explanation of the basic meanings related to Disaster and Crisis Management.
In Chapter 2 the categories of vulnerable groups, with their special needs and characteristics are presented.
The types of emergency shelters per category along with their basic technical specifications and their organization and mode of operation are expanded in Chapter 3.
Chapter 4 examines and analyses the issues related to people belonging in vulnerable groups and emergency sheltering during a crisis or a disaster, per category of vulnerable groups.
Chapter 5 features real cases and incidents which are presented with regard to people belonging in vulnerable groups and emergency sheltering.
Finally, in Chapter 6 conclusions and recommendations that resulted from the analysis of the preceding chapters are suggested.
Main subject category:
Accessibility, Crisis and Disaster Management, Emergency Sheltering, People with Disabilities, Vulnerable Groups
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