The National Intelligence and Sabotage Organizations and their relationship with the British agent during the Axis occupation of Greece (1941-1944)

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:2963347 282 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Νεότερη και Σύγχρονη Ελληνική Ιστορία: ελληνοβενετικός, οθωμανικός, νεότερος ελληνικός κόσμος
Library of the School of Philosophy
Deposit date:
Nikolopoulou Sofia-Iliodora
Supervisors info:
Ευάνθης Χατζηβασιλείου, Καθηγητής Ιστορίας του Μεταπολεμικού Κόσμου, Τμήμα Ιστορίας και Αρχαιολογίας ΕΚΠΑ
Ευάγγελος Καραμανωλάκης, Αναπλ. Καθηγητής Νεότερης Ελληνικής Ιστορίας, Τμήμα Ιστορίας και Αρχαιολογίας ΕΚΠΑ
Εμμανουήλ Κούμας, Επικ. Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Ιστορίας και Αρχαιολογίας ΕΚΠΑ
Original Title:
Οι Εθνικές Οργανώσεις Πληροφοριών και Δολιοφθοράς και η σχέση τους με τον βρετανικό παράγοντα κατά τη διάρκεια της Κατοχής στην Ελλάδα (1941-1944).
Translated title:
The National Intelligence and Sabotage Organizations and their relationship with the British agent during the Axis occupation of Greece (1941-1944)
The National Intelligence and Sabotage Organizations, which became active in
Athens during the Axis occupation of Greece (1941-1944), were particularly active in
gathering and conveying intelligence. They developed a strong escape network and
sabotaged the Axis powers when they had occupied Greece. These Organizations
were not numerous and nationwide outreach was not one of their main attributes due
to their secret nature, they were composed of small groups, which inspired confidence
from their Leaders.
The present dissertation analyses the establishment, action and role of these
Organizations in the Greek, Athenian Resistance against the Axis occupation, which
were not connected to the National Liberation Front (EAM). However, their role and
activity would not have been radical, if they had not been involved in the general
activities of the so-called “secret” war, a new type of war for Greece and due to the
special features of the Athenian environment and the potential it provided, to find
suitable people and accomplish “offbeat” endeavours.
The main purpose of this study is to identify the cooperation between the
Organizations in question and the British SIS and SOE Agencies, which settled in the
Middle East as early as 1940 and sought to create a powerful resistance movement
against the Axis occupation in Greece. Their cooperation was considered inevitable,
due to the lack of a coordination administrative centre, managed by the exiled Greek
Government and due to the refusal of the old political system to coordinate resistance
efforts against the Axis powers. Finally, cooperation between these Organizations as
well as was members’ involvement in two or more Resistance Groups at the same
time, were not uncommon. Nevertheless, there were also competitive tendencies
between them, which were caused from the rivalry developed between the two above
mentioned British Agencies, resulting in the formation of two corresponding groups
of Organizations with diverse attributes, in terms of their structure, the selection of
their members and the results of their actions.
Main subject category:
Occupation, Resistance, the British Agencies, Intelligence and Sabotage Organizations
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