Examining the single-nucleotide polymorphisms – SNPs implicated in the prediction of placebo response in healthy participants and their association with the mechanisms of the cognitive functions involved.

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:2963550 69 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Γνωσιακή Επιστήμη
Library of the School of Science
Deposit date:
Liveriou Christina
Supervisors info:
1. Ειρήνη Σκαλιώρα, Καθηγήτρια, ΙΦΕ ΕΚΠΑ
2. Γεώργιος Παπαδόπουλος, Αφυπηρετήσας αναπληρωτής καθηγητής, Ιατρική Σχολή ΕΚΠΑ
3. Έμα Αναστασιάδου, Εντεταλμένη Ερευνήτρια, IΙΒΕΑΑ
Original Title:
Ο προσδιορισμός των μονονουκλεοτιδικών πολυμορφισμών (single-nucleotide polymorphisms - SNPs) που διαφοροποιούν την ανταπόκριση placebo στους υγιείς εθελοντές και η συσχέτισή τους με τους γνωσιακούς μηχανισμούς που εμπλέκονται σε αυτήν.
Translated title:
Examining the single-nucleotide polymorphisms – SNPs implicated in the prediction of placebo response in healthy participants and their association with the mechanisms of the cognitive functions involved.
The single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) rs4680 of catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) which is involved in dopamine metabolism and 5-HTTLPR of the serotonin transporter gene - play a significant role in the way people respond to placebo treatment and they could possibly be identified as biological markers for the distinction between placebo responders and non – responders. However, these particular polymorphisms are also investigated for their role in cognitive mechanisms – particularly the ones of expectations and decision making. We hypothesized that there is a statistical difference in placebo response between the homozygotes of the minor frequency alleles (-met of COMT and -s of 5-HTTLPR) and the other participants. We created three treatment arms: a) the “no-treatment” arm, b) the “non-placebo” arm and c) the “placebo” arm where we measured the response of the participants to painful electrical stimuli (VAS scale). We also hypothesized that the gene expression is associated with the “treatment” environment and the cognitive characteristics of the individuals and we examined the association of positive expectations (measured by PANAS scale) with placebo response and with the SNPs combinations of the different alleles of COMT (-met or -val) and 5-HTTLPR (-s or -l). Last but not least, we examined the association of the SNPs corresponding to the strongest placebo response with the performance on the Iowa Gambling Task – particularly with the choice of the most disadvantageous decks of cards. The experiment involved only women of reproductive age and was conducted in each phase of the menstrual cycle (follicular and luteal) in order to study hormonal influences on placebo response.
Main subject category:
#SNPs #placebo #responders #expectation #decision-making
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Λιβερίου_διπλωματική_placebo.pdf (2 MB) Open in new window