Specialty Greek and Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology: From the Bronze Age Palaces to the Hellenistic KingdomsLibrary of the School of Philosophy
Gustafsson Anna Kaarina
Supervisors info:
Eurydice Kefalidou, Assistant Professor of Classical Archaeology
Dimitris Planzos, Αssociate Professor of Classical Archaeology
Stylianos Katakis, Assistant Professor of Roman Archaeology
Original Title:
Theatricality in Attic Vase Painting during the 6th and 5th Centuries BC.
Translated title:
Theatricality in Attic Vase Painting during the 6th and 5th Centuries BC.
The thesis attempts to present and discuss the concept of theatricality
through the iconography of Athenian vase painting, mostly during the late 6th and the 5th century BC. It was a time when both Greek drama and the art of vase painting were
expressive, innovative, developing rapidly and enjoying great popularity. Relevant
evidence is examined in some chronological order, from the earlier, pre-theatrical cultic
performances to the images of choral art and actors. The thesis also attempts to look at
the full spectrum of theatricality from the theatricality of public life to the tradition of
participating in chorus’ duty and the rise of the professionalism of the actor, offering
examples from vase painting.
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