Remote Monitoring And Control System For Existing Photovoltaic Installation Using Open Technologies

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:2969357 70 Read counter

Speciality Intelligent Management of Renewable Energy Systems
Library of the School of Agricultural Development, Nutrition and Sustainability
Deposit date:
Rompotis Stylianos
Supervisors info:
Αφροδίτη Κτενά, Καθηγήτρια, Γενικού Τμήματος, ΕΚΠΑ
Original Title:
Ανάπτυξη Συστήματος Τηλεμετρίας και Ελέγχου για Υφιστάμενη Εγκατάσταση Φωτοβολταϊκού Πάρκου με Χρήση Ανοιχτών Τεχνολογιών
Translated title:
Remote Monitoring And Control System For Existing Photovoltaic Installation Using Open Technologies
A photovoltaic system have to operate continuously, to the optimum degree in order to generate electricity and bring profits to the investor or to supply some autonomous installation without interruption. To do this, the facilities must not only be properly maintained but also adequately monitored and supervised.
The aim of this thesis is to study the issue of monitoring a photovoltaic installation, how to
communicate and exchange data with inverters but also with other devices and sensors in
general. Then build a prototype monitoring system, which will be connected to existing
photovoltaic installations, to apply common practices proposed and to function as a tool that will serve technicians who monitor and maintain photovoltaic installations.
Through this process it became clear that the use of open source software and the ability of the software to communicate with each other are very important. Evolving customer requirements and business opportunities will always lead to the need for new information-based application software. In this context, application programming interfaces (APIs) for monitoring software and the use of IoT technologies are essential. Finally, the issue of measurements is very critical. The accuracy of measurements, the sizes and the way they are measured and involved in calculations change the accuracy and reliability of a monitoring system.
Main subject category:
telemetry, photovoltaics, prototype, monitoring, raspberry pi, grafana, node red
Number of index pages:
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