BRCA 1, 2 mutation and earlier menopause. Could BRCA 1, 2 be used as predictor of menopause?

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BRCA 1, 2 mutation and earlier menopause. Could BRCA 1, 2 be used as predictor of menopause?
Many studies have shown that BRCA mutation is not only related to cancer but also to ovarian aging. Studies in both human and mice oocytes have shown that Double-strand breaks (DSBs) accumulate with age. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have found 44 genetic loci that are related to variations when a female is about to have menopause. BRCA1 is involved in these 44 loci that are associated with the age of menopause. This review has gathered all results of literature search about the association between BRCA genes and early menopause. The majority of the articles found that women with BRCA mutation have earlier menopause compared to non-carriers. In conclusion, in the near future BRCA1,2 genes could be used as predictive biomarkers of menopause.
Publication year:
Nikolettos, Konstantinos
Damaskos, Christos
Garmpis, Nikolaos
Nikolettos, Nikos
Minerva obstetrics and gynecology
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