Κατεύθυνση Διδακτική του θεάτρουLibrary of the School of Philosophy
Supervisors info:
Kλειώ Φανουράκη
Θεοδούλη (Λίλυ ) Αλεξιάδου
Αθανάσιος Βέρδης
Original Title:
Θεατρική αγωγή και δημιουργική γραφή:Προτάσεις εφαρμογής από τη θεατρολόγο και ποιήτρια Ασημίνα Ξηρογιάννη
Translated title:
Τheater education and creative writing: Application suggestions by the drama teacher and poet Αsimina Xirogianni
This paper explores the relationship between theater and creative writing through the experiences of the drama teacher and poet Asimina Xirogiannis in the school reality. It investigates how creative writing is of interest in relation to the teaching of theater in Primary and Secondary education - and by extension - to groups of children and teenagers. It explores how creative writing becomes a valuable tool in the theatrical process.
Main subject category:
General works
creative writing, theater, creativity, poetry, Asimina Xirogianni