Parallel Processing & Architectures for Nodes of Optical Networks and Data Centers

Doctoral Dissertation uoadl:3301106 61 Read counter

Department of Physics
Library of the School of Science
Deposit date:
Patronas Ioannis
Dissertation committee:
Δ. Ρεΐσης, Καθ. τμ. Φυσικής, ΕΚΠΑ
Δ. Φραντζεσκάκης, Καθ. τμ. Φυσικής, ΕΚΠΑ
Ε. Νισταζάκης, Καθ. τμ. Φυσικής, ΕΚΠΑ
Α. Πασχάλης, Καθ. τμ. Πληροφορικής και Τηλεπικοινωνιών, ΕΚΠΑ
Δ. Σούντρης, Καθ. ΣΗΜΜΥ, ΕΜΠ
Ε. Βαρβαρίγος, Καθ. ΣΗΜΜΥ, ΕΜΠ
Η. Αβραμόπουλος, Καθ. ΣΗΜΜΥ, ΕΜΠ
Original Title:
Παράλληλες Επεξεργασίες & Αρχιτεκτονικές για Κόμβους και Στοιχεία Οπτικών Δικτύων και Κέντρων Δεδομένων
Translated title:
Parallel Processing & Architectures for Nodes of Optical Networks and Data Centers
The past couple of decades were characterized by the evolution of the Data Centers with respect to the number of supported servers and the throughput. Optical networking has allowed the rapid expansion of the Data Centers Networks (DCNs) by meeting the novel increased bandwidth requirements. Though, the integration of optical switching technologies in the DCNs demands a wide spectrum of expertise across the network layers, as well as novel design and organization for the DC nodes. This fact has motivated the current thesis, that presents the contribution of the author in the effort towards the integration of the optical switching in the DCNs. The work accomplished involves system design, logic design for PCS (Physical Coding Sublayer) adaptations and acceleration of scheduling algorithms, protocol design and adaptations and experiments performed on the optical testbed (mini-Data Center network) that was created in the scope of the NEPHELE EU project. The aforementioned processes led to a deep understanding of the networking world, its future roadblocks and solutions, and provided a solid background on system design and system integration. The chapters of the thesis describe the work performed on these disciplines, focusing on the author’s contributions, as well as the integration towards a functional system. The foremost chapter presents the problem definition and an introduction to the current ecosystem. It follows the chapter that describes the work performed on the adaptations of the dataplane devices: the additional requirements due to optical switching functionality are detailed, along with the design and implementation choices that were taken to fulfill them. Subsequently, the thesis shows the testbed creation and the experimental procedure with a full description of the methodology and the experimental procedures that were followed during the evaluation. Moreover, to meet the requirements for efficient real time DCN control, the thesis proposes the design and implementation of parallel techniques that aim to accelerate the resource allocation process. The parallel techniques that were designed and implemented by the author are described and evaluated. The final chapter concludes the thesis and briefly discusses the future of optical switching technologies.
Main subject category:
Optical Networks, Data Centers, Logic Design, Scheduling Algorithms, Optical Switching
Number of index pages:
Contains images:
Number of references:
Number of pages:
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