Women travelers of the 17th, 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries in Asia Minor and other Ottoman territories (Publications and Database)

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Department of Physical Education & Sport Science
Women travelers of the 17th, 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries in Asia Minor and other Ottoman territories (Publications and Database)
Languages of Item:
CONTENT & KEYWORDS: Gender; Visibility; Agency; Philhellenic movement; Greek revolution; Ottoman society; Osmanli society; Ottoman Empire; Orientalism; Multiethnic-multiracial harem slavery institution; Children’s harem; Women’s travel literature; Female accounts; Women travelers of the 17th, 18th, 19th centuries; Travel writing; Multiethnic synthesis of the Ottoman household; Military slavery; Child slavery; Islamization; Obesity – fat considered beautiful; Deviations from Islamic traditions-sultans dancing; Greek music and songs in the harems; the Sultan’s Harem; Women and children of different nations; Eunuchs; Spaces for interacting, sharing and bonding; Identification with the ‘OTHER’; Muslim women (free and slave); Islamized slaves: Muslim women’s legal and social rights; Divorce; Marriage, Adoption; Dance and physical activity, a symbol of social inferiority; The Body in Ottoman society; Discourse on Orientalism and the Greek Element; Womanity in the yoke of the harem: European women travel writers, authors and journalists of the 17th, 18th , 19th and early 20th centuries; the East in the eyes of women travelers; Women as agents of change; Harem inmates escape the harems; Gender, Volunteerism and Military Hospitals: War Nurses, Educators and Philanthropists of the Nineteenth-Century, and so forth.
Publication year:
Irene Kamberidou
Gender, Visibility, Agency, Philhellenic movement, Greek revolution, Ottoman society, Publications, Interviews
Main subject category:
Social, Political and Economic sciences
"Γυναικείες Μαρτυρίες: Η γυναικεία περιήγηση του 17ου, 18ου, 19ου, και αρχές του 20ου αι. στη Μικρά Ασία και την Οθωμανική επικράτεια γενικότερα" της Ειρήνης Καμπερίδου (10 σελίδες).
Women travel narratives.Publications_database.pdf (699 KB) Open in new window