Κατεύθυνση Δημόσιο Διεθνές ΔίκαιοLibrary of the School of Law
Noack Charlotte-Eleni
Supervisors info:
Plakokefalos, Ilias, Assistant Professor, Law School, NKUA
Gavouneli, Maria , Professor, Law School, NKUA
Gougourinis, Anastasios, Assistant Professor, Law School, NKUA
Original Title:
Imagined states and a practice theoretical approach on statehood- a view from Sevres
Translated title:
Imagined states and a practice theoretical approach on statehood- a view from Sevres
In international law there are specific debates on legal nuances and the reality of a situation determined by power politics. The two do not always align, but they are in communication. This thesis investigates the communication between the Treaty of Sèvres2 and the situation in the late Ottoman Empire through through the lens of practice theory.
Main subject category:
Law and Legislation
Other subject categories:
Public international law
Treaty of Sevres, International Law, History, Sociology, Statehood, Praxis Theory
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