Κατεύθυνση Οργανική Σύνθεση και Εφαρμογές της στη Χημική ΒιομηχανίαLibrary of the School of Science
Supervisors info:
Γεώργιος Χ. Βουγιουκαλάκης, Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Χημείας, ΕΚΠΑ, (Επιβλέπων)
Αθανάσιος Γκιμήσης, Καθηγητής Τμήμα Χημείας, ΕΚΠΑ,
Γεώργιος Ρώτας, Επίκουρος Καθηγητής Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων
Original Title:
Σύνθεση και Χαρακτηρισμός Χημειοφωταυγών Ενώσεων με Πιθανές Βιολογικές Εφαρμογές
Translated title:
Synthesis and Characterization of Chemiluminescent Compounds with Potential Biological Applications
Solid cancerous tumors, especially those located in hard-to-reach areas such as the brain, face serious challenges in their treatment. The use of treatments based on the irradiation of these tumors, through the activation of photoactive molecules located in the tumor, as is done in photodynamic therapy, have been evaluated clinically, however with limited success. This is mainly due to the limited penetration of light into the tissue, the extensive diffusion of cancer cells, and the fact that these methods require highly invasive procedures, often involving open surgery.
In this thesis, we describe the design, synthesis and characterization of chemiluminescent organic compounds based on luminol, targeting the mitochondria of cancer cells, which are made selective towards them due to their attached lipophilic bulky moieties, which are known for their mitochondrial targeting. Moreover, the synthesis of a specially-designed protoporphyrin IX – luminol dyad is described, aiming at the study and understanding of the photophysical interaction of its two components.
Main subject category:
Photodynamic therapy, mitochondrion, protoporphyrin IX, phosphonium cations, phosphine oxide, luminol, chemiluminescence.
File access is restricted until 2027-02-28.
MSc thesis ELENI STEFANI.pdf
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File access is restricted until 2027-02-28.