Air pollution and arrhythmias: systematic review and epidemiological data

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:3392833 28 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Περιβάλλον και Υγεία: Διαχείριση Περιβαλλοντικών Θεμάτων με Επιπτώσεις στην Υγεία
Library of the School of Health Sciences
Deposit date:
Klitsa Evangelia
Supervisors info:
Άγγελος Τσίπης, Δρ., Ιατρός
Νικόλαος Καβαντζάς, Καθηγητής, Ιατρική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ
Σωτήριος Μάιπας, Δρ., Φυσικός, Εντεταλμένος Διδάσκων, Ιατρική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ
Original Title:
Ατμοσφαιρική ρύπανση και αρρυθμίες: συστηματική ανασκόπηση και επιδημιολογικά δεδομένα
Translated title:
Air pollution and arrhythmias: systematic review and epidemiological data
Introduction: In recent years literature reports on the degree of impact of air pollution on human health have proliferated. Air pollution is defined as the mixture of gases and particles that cause health problems and also have environmental effects. Air pollution has wide-ranging effects on human health resulting in the presence of severe or mild cardiovascular manifestations such as arterial hypertension, acute coronary syndrome, arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death.
The purpose of the study is the systematic review and analysis of the epidemiological data concerning the correlation between air pollution and arrhythmias.
Research design and methodology: A search was carried out in data and information of the last 20 years of scientific articles available in electronic databases, such as Google Scholar, PubMed. The methodology used concerns the systematic review which is a method of scientific research, which summarizes and analyzes the existing scientific literature on the specific research topic.
Results: Of the 300 studies identified in the above databases, 259 met the selection criteria for analysis in the present study. What was observed in all the selected studies was the fact that air pollution shows a statistically significant relationship with the occurrence of arrhythmias and concerns both the healthy population and patients with an already known cardiac history.
Conclusions: Air pollution is responsible for the occurrence of cardiac arrhythmias such as ectopic systolic arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, supraventricular arrhythmias and ventricular arrhythmias up to the occurrence of sudden cardiac death. In particular, systematic changes in air pollution are highly correlated with cardiac morbidity and mortality.
Main subject category:
Health Sciences
Air pollution, Cardiac arrhythmias, Epidemiology, Treatment, Management
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