Incidental music by Dimitris Mitropoulos for ancient drama performances, within the framework of his collaboration with Dimitris Rontiris. Analysis of the music for Sophocles' "Electra"

Graduate Thesis uoadl:3395576 48 Read counter

Department of Music Studies
Library of the School of Philosophy
Deposit date:
Chantzopoulos Periklis
Supervisors info:
Τάσος Κολυδάς, Ε.ΔΙ.Π., Τμήμα Μουσικών Σπουδών, Φιλοσοφική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ
Μηνάς Ι. Αλεξιάδης, Καθηγητής
Αικατερίνη Λεβίδου, Επίκουρη Καθηγήτρια
Original Title:
Σκηνική μουσική του Δημήτρη Μητρόπουλου για παραστάσεις αρχαίου δράματος, στο πλαίσιο της συνεργασίας με τον Δημήτρη Ροντήρη. Ανάλυση της μουσικής για την "Ηλέκτρα" του Σοφοκλή
Translated title:
Incidental music by Dimitris Mitropoulos for ancient drama performances, within the framework of his collaboration with Dimitris Rontiris. Analysis of the music for Sophocles' "Electra"
This thesis aims to study the music composed by Dimitris Mitropoulos for Sophocles' “Electra” and Euripides' “Hippolytus”, which were written in 1936 and 1937 respectively, representing the composer’s final compositional endeavours. These compositions emerged from his collaboration with Dimitris Rodiris, who later directed both plays. Notably ahead of their time, both works garnered public interest and provoked strong backlash from critics. Through an investigation of both primary and secondary sources, this thesis seeks to identify the underlying reasons for these strong reactions, as subsequent reiterations of the theatrical palys appear to affirm the merit of Mitropoulos’ work. The detailed analysis of his music for “Electra”, characterized by its strong rhythms and dissonance, sheds light on the interdependent relationship between the background music and Sophocles’ tragic speech. This exploration confirms the pivotal role played by the music in the success of this modern revival of an ancient tragedy.
Main subject category:
Fine arts - Entertainment
Dimitri Mitropoulos, Dimitris Rontiris, ancient drama, revival of ancient drama, National Theatre, incidental music, Epidaurus, Electra, Hippolytus
Number of index pages:
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Περικλής Χαντζόπουλος-Πτυχιακή_Εργασία_Τελικό v09.6.pdf (1 MB) Open in new window