Corruption, Inequality and Boko Haram in Nigeria

Paper in Honorific Edition uoadl:3395781 36 Read counter

Original Title:
Corruption, Inequality and Boko Haram in Nigeria
Languages of Item:
Agbahey, Tity
Yabi, Gilles Olakounlé
Empty abstract
Main subject category:
Human Rights
Other subject categories:
International Law
Pages (from-to):
1. From a Sectarian Movement to Monstrous Violence: Boko Haram as a Reflection of Nigeria's Contradictions, p. 53
2. Turbulent Politics, an Unlikely Nation and the Oil Curse: History Matters, p. 56
3. Elites Were Busy Stealing While the Frustrated Boys Were Getting Ready, p. 58
4. Did Corruption and Extreme inequality Actually Lead to Boko Haram?, p. 61
5. Back to Good Old Ideals: Freedom, Equality and Justice Do Matter, p. 64

Includes bibliographic references
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