When the end lacks the means: national prosecutions of international crimes and Canada's Paper Tiger approach

Paper in Honorific Edition uoadl:3396290 45 Read counter

Original Title:
When the end lacks the means: national prosecutions of international crimes and Canada's Paper Tiger approach
Languages of Item:
Lafontaine, Fannie
Empty abstract
Main subject category:
Human Rights
Other subject categories:
International Law
Pages (from-to):
1. Introduction, p. 221
2. Where From: The Historical Context of the Canadian Approach, p. 224
2.1. From Inaction to a Slow Hard Awakening, p. 225
2.2. Entering the Modern International Criminal Justice Era, p. 229
2.2.1. The New "System", p. 229
2.2.2. Canada's Way Back In, p. 231
3. Where At: Prosecute Little and Expel a Lot, p. 233
4. Where To: Rethinking the Approach, p. 240
4.1. More Resources for Prosecution, p. 240
4.2. Proactive Stance on Extradition and "Concerned Expulsions", p. 242
4.3. A Transparent Decision-Making Process, p. 245
4.4. Alternative Measures Focused on Truth, Reconciliation and Reparation, p. 247
4.5. The crimes against Humanity Fund, p. 249
5. Conclusion, p. 249

Includes bibliographic references
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