Specialty Science, Technology, Society-Science and Technology StudiesLibrary of the School of Science
Anastasopoulou Andrianna
Supervisors info:
Stathes Hadjiefthymiades, Professor, Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, UOA (advisor)
Dimitris Varoutas, Associate Professor, Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, UOA (member)
Manolis Simos, Adjunct Faculty, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, UOA (member)
Original Title:
Chess engines: from their historical emergence to contemporary experiences.
Translated title:
Chess engines: from their historical emergence to contemporary experiences.
In the vast expanse of intellectual games, chess stands as a timeless testament to
strategic thinking and prowess. This research delves into the transformative journey of chess
in the digital age, primarily focusing on the emergence and evolution of chess engines.
Drawing from historical precedents set by luminaries like Alan Turing and Claude Shannon
to the modern-day marvels of artificial intelligence, the study provides a comprehensive look
into the technical and algorithmic underpinnings of these engines. Furthermore, through
expert opinions and a meticulously conducted survey, the research elucidates the profound
impact of chess engines on the game, teaching methodologies, and player strategies. This
work serves as a confluence of historical narratives, technical expositions, and sociological
insights, offering a panoramic view of how technology has reshaped the realm of chess.
Main subject category:
chess, chess engines, AI, artificial inteligence, technology impact, history, sociology