The role of moral emotions in animal societies

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:3398217 16 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Ηθική Φιλοσοφία, Δίκαιο και Ευζωία των Ζώων
Library of the School of Philosophy
Deposit date:
Kalogianni-Kolovou Stefania
Supervisors info:
Σταύρος Καραγεωργάκης, Διδάκτωρ,
Βασίλειος Πανταζής Μέλος ΕΔΙΠ Παν/μιο Θεσσαλίας
Γεώργιος Ηλιόπουλος Μέλος ΕΔΙΠ
Original Title:
Ο ρόλος των ηθικών συναισθημάτων στις κοινωνίες των ζώων
Translated title:
The role of moral emotions in animal societies
The present paper explores the role of moral emotions, namely cooperation, altruism, empathy, sympathy and moral norms in the animal societies, delving into their complex interactions within animal societies, and interactions within them. Moral emotions seem to dominate these societies. It is explored, how these complex behavioural mechanisms shape the dynamics of relationships in the animal community, providing information about evolution of sociality, as the building blocks of morality (human and non-human).
First, an attempt is made to define emotions in animals and their role in (social) behaviour of these animals. It is disputed the prevailing scientific which, under the fear of anthropomorphism, recognizes them the ability to experience only simple emotions. It is therefore proposed that a ''critical anthropomorphism" would allow researchers to investigate the existence of complex animal behaviors that express complex emotional states, without compromising the 'scientificity' of their work.
Consequently, a review of the conceptualization of moral emotions is provided, and through the presentation of contemporary neuroscientific data, an attempt is made to a reintegration of the importance of emotions in general, in the making of ethical decisions. In this context, cooperation and altruism are analysed, these behaviours found in the animal kingdom in various forms and are characteristics of social behaviour in animals. The exploration of motivations behind forms of altruistic acts, such as sharing food and allogrooming behaviour and also the underlying mechanisms that drive them, provides valuable insights into the evolution of sociality on the basis of reciprocity and rule-keeping. In particular, the presence of (social) rules is considered to contribute to group cohesion and proper functioning, demonstrating the complexity of social structures in non-human animals.
Empathy is a key element in the analysis and understanding of moral emotions in animals. Today, clear evidence of empathic behaviours are 'recognised' in various species. Thus, it is directly challenged that traditional notion of empathy as a characteristic exclusively human. To this end, two forms of empathy are studied, which supported by complex cognitive abilities, consolation and targeted help. The presence of these forms of empathy in animals sheds light on the complex emotional and companionable bonds and ultimately the importance of other members of the group (as whole) to separate individuals.
For evolutionary theory, morality is a product of evolution and the presence of complex empathic and altruistic behaviors in animals, calls into question the validity of the theories of moral egoism and veneer theory. At this point the question arises ‘’can non-human animals be considered morally subjects?" especially since moral emotions, as structural elements of social morality, are observed in animal societies.
In summary, the apparent presence of moral emotions in animal societies leads to the need to broaden the moral community to include them. The recognition of the role of sympathy (interest, concern and action for welfare of others), as a moral current now expressed mainly by the eco-feminists, is gaining followers as the questioning of entrenched dualistic theories advocates, and can change the way that humans treat non-human animals and nature in general over time, just as the resources exclusively for their own well-being.
Main subject category:
Philosophy - Psychology
Moral emotions, Empathy, Altruism, Ethic of Sympathy
Number of index pages:
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