Quantitative analysis of [68]Ga-DOTATOC PET/CT uptake in the pituitary and adrenal glands using textural features and SUV indices

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:3398841 38 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Ιατρική Φυσική-Ακτινοφυσική
Library of the School of Health Sciences
Deposit date:
Konstantinidi Nikoletta
Supervisors info:
Μαρίνος Μεταξάς, Ειδικός Λειτουργικός Επιστήμων ( Ε.Λ.Ε.) Α', ΙΙΒΕΑΑ
Παντελής Καραΐσκος, Καθηγητής, Ιατρική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ
Ελευθέριος Παππάς, Επίκουρος Καθηγητής, Ιατρική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ
Original Title:
Ποσοτική ανάλυση της πρόσληψης [68]Ga-DOTATOC PET/CT στην υπόφυση και τα επινεφρίδια με την χρήση χαρακτηριστικών υφής και δεικτών SUV
Translated title:
Quantitative analysis of [68]Ga-DOTATOC PET/CT uptake in the pituitary and adrenal glands using textural features and SUV indices
The aim of this study is to quantify the expression of the somatostatin physiological receptors (SSTR2) using the mean standardized uptake value (SUVmean) of [68]Ga-DOTA(0)-Phe(1)-Tyr(3)-octreotide (DOTATOC), in patients undergoing Positron Emission Tomography(PET) / Computed Tomography (CT). This investigation is conducted in the pituitary and adrenal glands (physiological receptors) with gastroenteropancreatic-neuroendocrine tumors (GEP-NETs). The study focuses on analyzing the SUV index measurements and the radiomic characteristics of the image, with the aim of providing quantitative insight into the response of the pituitary receptors in the brain and the adrenal glands. Data were collected from patients undergoing [68]Ga-DOTATOC PET/CT examination on the SIEMENS Biograph Vision-450 PET/CT at the Biomedical Research Foundation Academy of Athens (BRFAA). Uptake measurements were performed using LIFEx-7.4.0 software to calculate the SUV indices and to extract the textural features in each region of interest. The results represent a quantitative report on the uptake of [68]Ga-DOTATOC, examining the values of SUVmax and SUVmean. The SUV indices appear to have no correlation with the body weight of the patient or the injected activity. On the contrary, they show a strong correlation with the Coefficient of Variation (COV), which expresses the heterogeneity of the receptors. Based on the small standard deviation of the COV and the observed SUVmean which has a value of approximately 3 in the pituitary gland and around 9 in the adrenal glands, consistent and physiological uptake levels within these structures are reflected, indicating a stability in the number of peptide receptors for both anatomical areas. Understanding these baseline values is essential for distinguishing normal from pathological uptake and holds significant clinical implications for dosimetric analysis of the related radio-therapeutic procedures (i.e. [177]Lu-DOTATOC).
Main subject category:
Health Sciences
[68]Ga, [68]Ga-DOTATOC, Positron Emission Tomography, Computed Tomography, Somatostatin receptors, Pituitary, Adrenal glands, Coefficient of variation, Standard uptake value
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Ποσοτική ανάλυση της πρόσληψης [68]Ga-DOTATOC PETCT στην υπόφυση και τα επινεφρίδια με την χρήση χαρακτηριστικών υφής και δεικτών SUV.pdf (6 MB) Open in new window