Supporting Preservice Teachers’ Civic Competence as a Strategy for Internationalisation in the Digital Era

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Department of Theology
Supporting Preservice Teachers’ Civic Competence as a Strategy for Internationalisation in the Digital Era
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Higher education institutions worldwide show an interest in enhancing their internationalisation initiatives by integrating innovative teaching approaches into formal curricula. A main concern is to ensure that preservice teachers enter future classrooms with a high level of civic competence. The aim of this study was to investigate the challenges and opportunities confronted within a professional development programme designed to promote preservice teachers’ competencies for democratic culture. The professional development programme was a three-year Erasmus+ KA2 programme involving the development of teacher training modules inspired by and aimed at developing competencies from the Reference Framework of Competencies for Democratic Culture. Its objective was to integrate digital resources within practicum-based learning modules based on democratic citizenship values. Following the implementation of the programme, a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) was conducted to gather data on the programme’s potential to support preservice teachers’ civic competencies. The SWOT analysis was completed by ten teacher educators from five different university departments located in two metropolitan cities in central and northern Greece. Thematic analyses were used at a case and group level. The results showed that the online affordances of the programme, combined with each department’s practicum-based learning modules, could effectively support the development of preservice teachers’ civic competencies, provided that resources were adapted with a human-centred sensitivity to the specificities of each context. In alignment with worldwide teacher education trends, we advocate for the implementation of similar programmes in the future as a ‘participatory internationalisation at home’ strategy for supporting teacher online collaboration and peer learning.
Publication year:
Aspasia Dania,
Marios Koukounaras Liagkis,
Agoritsa Gogoulou,
Evdokia Karavas,
Kosmas Vlachos,
Kostas Magos,
Magda Vitsou
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal
teacher education, democratic competencies, SWOT analysis, professional development programmes
Main subject category:
Education - Sport science
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