Κατεύθυνση Αρχαία Ελληνική ΦιλολογίαLibrary of the School of Philosophy
Katsigiannis Nikolaos
Supervisors info:
Κωνσταντάκος Ιωάννης, τμήμα Φιλολογίας, ΕΚΠΑ.
Βερτουδάκης Βασίλειος, τμήμα Φιλολογίας, ΕΚΠΑ.
Λιοτσάκης Βασίλειος, τμήμα Φιλολογίας, ΕΚΠΑ.
Original Title:
Αρχαίες θεωρίες περί ποιήσεως και η πρόσληψή τους στο έργο του Νίτσε
Translated title:
Αncient theories about poetry and their influence in Nietzsche's works.
In this MA Dissertation i discuss Plato's, Aristotle's and Nietzsche's opinions about poetry and the poet. In the first chapter i briefly examine viewpoints before Plato (truth-lies in poetry, the role of the poet in society, the early criticism of poetry) and in the next chapters I analyze sections of different Platonic dialogues (repudiation of poetry and the poet) and the Aristotelian Poetics ( opposition to Platonic views). After following both ancient and modern philosophers' opinions about the so-called quarrel between poetry and philosophy, in the last chapter I try to show the Platonic and Aristotelian influence on Nietzsche regarding poetry, tragedy, art and their relationship with philosophy.
Main subject category:
Language – Literature
poetry, tragedy, art, philosophy, Plato, Aristotle, Nietzsche
Number of references:
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