How is income inequality affected by market income? (emphasis on Western developed economies)

Graduate Thesis uoadl:3402592 3 Read counter

Deparment of Political Science & Public Administration
Library of the Faculties of Political Science and Public Administration, Communication and Mass Media Studies, Turkish and Modern Asian Studies, Sociology
Deposit date:
Kokkinaki Maria
Supervisors info:
Κουτσιαράς Νικόλαος, Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Πολιτικής Επιστήμης και Δημόσιας Διοίκησης, ΕΚΠΑ
Original Title:
Πως επηρεάζονται οι εισοδηματικές ανισότητες από το αγοραίο εισόδημα; (έμφαση στις δυτικά αναπτυγμένες οικονομίες)
Translated title:
How is income inequality affected by market income? (emphasis on Western developed economies)
Piketty characterized the history of inequalities as a "political and chaotic" history. The course of income inequalities, their increase or decrease, is due to a multitude of factors, political, economic, social and other, such as technological developments, tax policies, and natural disasters, which may even be connected to each other. This paper attempts to highlight the nature of income inequalities and how they are affected by market income. So we're going to define income inequality, look at theorists' approaches to the issue of inequality, and some of the ways we can measure it and better understand it. At the same time, we will present the evolution of income inequalities - within and between countries - from the time of the Industrial Revolution until the 1980s when the second technological revolution breaks out. Next, we will focus on market income and how it is affected by the citizenship and skill premium. Is it ultimately wage income that affects income inequality more, or capital income, and how? We will see technological innovations, globalization and education among the factors that increased income inequality at the end of the last century, but also the adverse consequences that these, in their uncontrolled degree, can bring to the lives of people in the lowest income stairs.
Main subject category:
Social, Political and Economic sciences
income inequality, global inequality, market income, globalization, technology
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