Clawbacks and Rebates in the Greek pharmaceutical market

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:3413023 59 Read counter

Specialty Economics of Health and Service Administration
Library of the Faculty of Economics and of the Faculty of Business Administration
Deposit date:
Stavrou Vasiliki
Supervisors info:
Υφαντόπουλος Ιωάννης, Ομότιμος Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Πολιτικής Επιστήμης και Δημόσιας Διοίκησης, ΕΚΠΑ
Original Title:
Clawbacks και Rebates στην ελληνική φαρμακευτική αγορά
Translated title:
Clawbacks and Rebates in the Greek pharmaceutical market
The purpose of the present paper is to present the clawback and rebate measures applied in Greece with the aim of restriction of pharmaceutical expenditure as well as the results and effects of the application of these measures for the pharmaceutical market. In addition to the literature search, a questionnaire was drawn up in order to seek the opinions of executives of pharmaceutical companies active in Greece regarding the issue of return measures. From the results of the research, it was shown that the clawback and rebate measures have caused significant problems for the pharmaceutical companies, which were asked to bear the greatest burden for the rationalization of the pharmaceutical expenditure, while it seems that, if steps are not taken to improve the way of imposing and allocating the refund measures, there will also be consequences in terms of patients' access to treatments necessary for their health. It is considered necessary to take measures on the part of the state and the existence of political will in order to limit the malfunctions caused by the imposition of refund measures in the pharmaceutical market.
Main subject category:
Social, Political and Economic sciences
Return measures, clawback, rebate, pharmaceutical market, pharmaceutical expenditure, Greece
Number of index pages:
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ΔΙΠΛΩΜΑΤΙΚΗ_ΒΑΣΙΛΙΚΗ ΣΤΑΥΡΟΥ.pdf (1 MB) Open in new window