Supervisors info:
Κατερίνα Διακουμοπούλου - Επίκουρη καθηγήτρια - Τμήμα θεατρικών σπουδών - Εκπα
Θάλεια Μπουσιοπούλου - καθηγήτρια, μέλος ΕΕΠ - Τμήμα θεατρικών σπουδών - Εκπα
Παναγιώτης Μιχαλόπουλος - Επίκουρος καθηγητής - Τμήμα θεατρικών σπουδών - Εκπα
The reason for this study was the extremely interesting field of Applied Theatre and
Community Theatre. Starting and inspired by these genres, as well as the always topical and
timeless issue of migration, Playback Theatre, with its "roots" in the Theatre of the Oppressed
and the techniques of Psychodrama, Dramatherapy and Social Theatre, "opened" a research
path, which aimed - apart from theoretical study - at the implementation of Playback in the
community consisting of migrant women in our country.
The first two chapters focus on the theoretical framework regarding Playback theatre
and deal with its history and nature, as well as the influences it has received, summarizing its
relationship with various theatrical and therapeutic methods. Furthermore, its relationship with
other art forms, the most basic of the techniques applied, as well as the prerequisite skills of
the actors in Playback performances are mentioned. In addition, there is a historical review of
the Greek reality, with particular reference to the Playback Nuevo team, with which the
application proceeded. Then, and specifically in the second chapter, the women's migration
issue in Greece is presented, combined with an indicative illustration related to the subject.
Also, the concept of trauma in general, but also more specifically, in relation to the specific
community, is investigated. Finally, there are some recent personal testimonies of migrant and
refugee women, concerning their experiences in our country.
The third chapter presents the entire performance, with its information and main
objective, as well as the transcripts of the viewers' narrations, with the events on stage that
accompanied them. Furthermore, the direct impact that the performance had on the audience is
presented, with reactions and comments during and immediately after its end.
The fourth chapter deals with the evaluation of the questionnaire given to the audience
after the performance, as well as the categorization of the answers. It also investigates the
indirect impact of the performance and presents material from interviews given by some viewers after a certain period of time. Finally, there is a general assessment of the impact of
the performance.
The fifth chapter "answers" the primary research question, as well as the individual,
secondary questions posed for this application, thus drawing general conclusions regarding the
present study.
Playback theatre, immigration, migrant women, impact