Speciality Ecclesiastical LawLibrary of the School of Law
Tsakiris Stergios
Supervisors info:
Γεώργιος Ι. Ανδρουτσόπουλος, Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής, Νομική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ
Παρασκευή Μουζουράκη, Καθηγήτρια, Νομική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ
Βασίλειος Χρ. Τρομπούκης, Πρωτοπρεσβύτερος, Δρ. Ν., Ε.ΔΙ.Π., Νομική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ.
Original Title:
Το νομικό καθεστώς των Μονών στην Εκκλησία Κύπρου. Η περίπτωση των μοναστηριακών τυπικών.
Translated title:
The legal status of monasteries in the Church of Cyprus. The case of monastic typika.
The subject matter of the present postgraduate thesis is the legal approach and consideration of the two unique surviving Byzantine typika of Cyprus; the formal arrangement of Saint Neilos for the Monastery of Machairas and the formal testament of Saint Neophytos the Entered for the Monastery of the same name in Paphos. First of all, we will analyze the monastic typika and wills, the sources of the present work, biographical information of the two holy founders as well as some historical information about the two Holy Monasteries in question. On the one hand the essay examines the monks, such as the entrance to the Monastery and the consequences of the monastic profession, and on the other hand the Monasteries and in particular their legal status, their organization and property, as well as the judicial power within them. The examined monastic typika have an additional value, because they are the first statutes of two of the four Holy Royal and Stavropegic Monasteries of Cyprus, which are operating to this day, enjoying the privilege of autonomy in terms of the internal administration and management of their affairs and being under the supervision of the Archbishop of Cyprus. On a second level, the current legal status of Monasteries in the Church of Cyprus is reviewed. In particular, on the one hand, the organization of the Church of Cyprus is presented in general (the autocephaly, the homotaxy system and its Charter) and on the other, the organization and administration of the Monasteries, such as their legal personality, their internal regulations, the types and distinctions of Monasteries, their administrative bodies, as well as the command and management of the monastic property. The purpose of thisthesis is to fill the research gap that exists in the legal literature regarding the actual legal consideration of the Cypriot typika and their connection with the current Cypriot Ecclesiastical Law.
Main subject category:
Law and Legislation
Other subject categories:
Ecclesiastical Law
law, legal consideration, monastic typika, ktetoriko typiko, standard will, standard arrangement, ktetoria, Monastery, Ecclesiastical Law, diagnostic source of law, statute, Royal and Sravropegic Monastery, church and state legislation, autocephalous, charter map, internal regulation, monastic property, Archbishop, organization and administration of Monasteries, Church
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