Design and development of a mobile device application for the digitalization of the Emergency Department patient's history

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:3446533 6 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Πληροφορική της Υγείας
Library of the School of Health Sciences
Deposit date:
Katsivelou Nikoletta
Supervisors info:
Εμμανουήλ Ζούλιας, Ε.ΔΙ.Π., Τμήμα Νοσηλευτικής, ΕΚΠΑ
Ιωσήφ Λιάσκος, Ε.ΔΙ.Π., Τμήμα Νοσηλευτικής, ΕΚΠΑ
Φλώρα Μαλαματένιου, Καθηγήτρια, Τμήμα Νοσηλευτικής, ΕΚΠΑ
Original Title:
Σχεδιασμός και ανάπτυξη εφαρμογής κινητών συσκευών για την ψηφιοποίηση του ιστορικού ασθενούς στα Τ.Ε.Π.
Translated title:
Design and development of a mobile device application for the digitalization of the Emergency Department patient's history
Introduction: The collection and storage of patient data in handwritten forms and folders hinders nurses in searching for and managing clinical data in the Emergency Department (ED). Simultaneously, the urgent and high-pressure conditions of the EDs require the utilization of robust technological tools that will support the provision of high-quality healthcare and empower nursing staff to adapt and respond promptly and effectively to emergencies.
Aim: This study aims to design and develop a mobile application to assist nurse in the task of recording and documenting patient history in the EDs. The application provides nurses with functionalities for entering and managing health data, contributing to the digital transformation of nursing procedures and clinical data storage, the elimination of handwritten clinical records and the optimization of healthcare delivery.
Methodology: User requirements gathered from the focus group, in combination with the nursing form N1 501 «NURSING HISTORY», formed the foundation for the development of the application’s MySQL database, the implementation of the programming code using the Python programming language and the design of the user interface with the MIT App Inventor software.
Results: The proposed application, due to the portability and connectivity of mobile devices, ensures fast and reliable access for nurses to patient’s clinical data whenever and wherever required, enchaining their response to emergency incidents, communication and coordination, quick and informed decision-making, and the provision of comprehensive and personalized care.
Conclusions: The proposed application offers the potential to modernize the nursing process of recording patient history in EDs, while simultaneously contributing dynamically to the rationalization of healthcare delivery, providing significant benefits for both nursing staff and the healthcare system, as well as for patients.
Main subject category:
Health Sciences
Nursing history, Emergency department, Mobile health, Mobile health applications, Information systems
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