Conducting Survey to Identify Barriers and Challenges during Deep Energy Renovations of Existing Buildings.

Graduate Thesis uoadl:3446898 4 Read counter

Department of Physics
Library of the School of Science
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Supervisors info:
Μαργαρίτα- Νίκη Ασημακοπούλου, Αναπληρώτρια Καθηγήτρια, Τμήμα Φυσικής, ΕΚΠΑ
Original Title:
Διεξαγωγή Έρευνας Με Στόχο τον Εντοπισμό Εμποδίων και Προκλήσεων κατά την Διάρκεια Ριζικής Ενεργειακής Ανακαίνισης Υφιστάμενων Κτιρίων.
Translated title:
Conducting Survey to Identify Barriers and Challenges during Deep Energy Renovations of Existing Buildings.
This study aims to investigate the obstacles and problems, along with strategies to surmount
them, encountered throughout the design, development, and execution of a Deep Energy
Renovation in existing buildings. Chapter 1 (Introduction) delineates the European Union's
legislative and other actions aimed at achieving carbon neutrality in the current European
building stock through energy retrofitting by 2050. Energy renovations are described,
highlighting their primary components and the categories into which they are classified. In
addition, typologies of buildings with a low energy footprint are presented, namely the nearly
Zero Energy Building (nZEB), Passive House, and Net Zero Energy Buildings (N-ZEB).
Chapter 2, subsequently outlines the challenges encountered during a DER and presents possible
solutions, following an exhaustive literature analysis. They are categorized into four
subcategories: Economic, Technical-Technological, Social and Behavioral Barriers, and Policy
Barriers (Institutional and Legislative/Regulatory). The methodology employed for the
research, along with the procedures for data collection and processing are set forth in Chapter
3. Thereafter, Chapter 4 presents an examination of the respondents' demographic data,
including country of employment, age, gender, educational qualifications, occupation, and years
of experience. This analysis is conducted about the participants' Sector of Employment,
specifically "Private Sector," "Public Technical Services," "Construction Sector," "Freelancers,"
and "Academic World". In Chapter 5, we provide the Analysis of the collected results,
categorized into four thematic subsections. A) General barriers to the application of DER in
existing buildings, B) Technical hurdles, C) Political and financial/economic obstacles, and D)
Comfort and indoor air quality concerns. Ultimately, the subsequent conclusions drawn are
presented in Chapter 6.
Main subject category:
Questionnaire survey, construction professionals, deep energy renovations, energy efficiency gap, barriers and challenges in implementing DER
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Number of pages:
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Διεξαγωγή Έρευνας Με Στόχο τον Εντοπισμό Εμποδίων και Προκλήσεων κατά την Διάρκεια Ριζικής Ενεργειακής Ανακαίνισης Υφιστάμενων Κτιρίων..pdf
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