Κατεύθυνση Δημόσιο Διεθνές ΔίκαιοLibrary of the School of Law
Stavridou Aikaterini
Supervisors info:
Professor Linos-Alexander Sicilianos, Faculty of Law, University of Athens
Dr. Maria-Louiza Deftou, Faculty of Law, University of Athens
Original Title:
The prohibition of torture as a jus cogens norm: identification, legal consequences and contemporary challenges
Translated title:
The prohibition of torture as a jus cogens norm: identification, legal consequences and contemporary challenges
The specific LL.M. Thesis concerns the prohibition of torture as a jus cogens norm. Its aim is to identify torture as a norm of jus cogens, distinguishing it from other forms of ill-treatment. Further, it examines the legal consequences of the recognition of torture as a jus cogens norm, as well as the enforcement mechanisms both at an international and european level. In the final chapter, focus is given on certain challenges in the contemporary legal world.
Main subject category:
Law and Legislation
Other subject categories:
Public international law
torture, prohibition, cruel - inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, mechanisms to combat, public interest litigation, jus cogens, erga omnes, erga omnes partes, absolute character, judicial decisions, state immunities, legal consequences, universal jurisdiction, derogable/non-derogable norms
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