Conference Proceedings uoadl:1001859 1929 Read counter
2. Seepage coefficient of stream channels carved in eocene Tripolitza limestones in Triffylia
Conference Paper uoadl:10306105. An approach of the water balance of Boeotian Kifissos
Conference Paper uoadl:10306498. A simple system appropriate for the estimation of underground conductivity parameters
Conference Paper uoadl:10307229. Shallow seismic reflection technique a new method for the solution of hydrogeological problems
Conference Paper uoadl:103072911. Εντοπισμός υδροφορίας σε κατακερμαστισμένες ζώνες με προσαρμογή της μεθόδου "VLF"
Conference Paper uoadl:103073313. Geoelectric exploration in Greece - modern divining?
Conference Paper uoadl:103073714. Ground water exploration using remote sensing techniques: a case study of Crete island
Conference Paper uoadl:103074017. Συμβολή της τηλεπισκόπησης στον καθορισμό της υδατικής κατάστασης εδάφους - φυτών
Conference Paper uoadl:103153819. Υδρογεωχημική και ισοτοπική έρευνα των νερών της περιοχής των λουτρών Λαγκαδά και Βόλβης
Conference Paper uoadl:103154520. Simulation of the monthly stream flows data of the Axeloos river using seasonal stochastic models
Conference Paper uoadl:1031547