Conference Proceedings uoadl:1005746 2806 Read counter
1. Der begriff Praxis bei Aristoteles un Marx
Conference Paper uoadl:10078573. The role of Aristotle in the history of dialectics
Conference Paper uoadl:10078634. Aristotle's recognition of the total field of man's intellectual activities
Conference Paper uoadl:10078665. Aristotle, Hegel and psychology
Conference Paper uoadl:10078696. On the present interest in Aristotle's theory of the soul
Conference Paper uoadl:10078747. On Aristotle's concept of activity
Conference Paper uoadl:10078778. The contemporaneity of Aristotle's natauralistc theory of art
Conference Paper uoadl:10078809. Οι οντολογικές προϋποθέσεις της πράξης στον Αριστοτέλη και στην ορθόδοξη σκέψη
Conference Paper uoadl:100788410. Ο Αριστοτέλης σαν διαμορφωτική επίδραση στην πολιτική σκέψη των Αφρικανικών λαών
Conference Paper uoadl:100819412. Aristotle and contemporary temporal values
Conference Paper uoadl:100819913. Dewey's affinity to Aristotle
Conference Paper uoadl:100820114. Aristotle on the possibility of altruism
Conference Paper uoadl:100820315. The character of Aristotle's writings on politics
Conference Paper uoadl:100820717. The Aristotelian causes in modern science
Conference Paper uoadl:100821318. Some remarks on Philoponus and his role in the stctelan physical tradition
Conference Paper uoadl:100821920. Ο Αριστοτέλης και η σύγχρονη λογική
Conference Paper uoadl:1008228