The postoperative result of a Ricard ureteroneocystostomy for the treatment of a scarry stricture of the lowest part of the ureter

Paper in Honorific Edition uoadl:1008552 281 Read counter

Original Title:
Το απώτερον μετεγχειρητικόν αποτέλεσμα ουρητηρονεοκυστεοστομίας κατά Ricard λόγω ουλώδους στενώσεως της κατωτάτης μοίρας του ουρητήρος
Languages of Item:
Translated title:
The postoperative result of a Ricard ureteroneocystostomy for the treatment of a scarry stricture of the lowest part of the ureter
Γιακουμάκης, Στέφανος
Empty abstract
Main subject category:
Female urogenital diseases
Other subject categories:
Male urogenital diseases
Pages (from-to):
The digital material of the item is not available.