Τομέας Βασικών ΕπιστημώνLibrary of the School of Health Sciences
Μίντζιας Θεόδωρος
Dissertation committee:
Αναπλ.Καθηγητής Ανατομίας Ευάγγελος Κοτσιομήτης
Original Title:
Ανατομική μελέτη και λειτουργικά ευρήματα της διάχυτης πνευμονικής ίνωσης
There has been an extensive description of the anatomic tissue of the pulmonary
parenchyma and especially of the connecting mast of the lung. A special
emphasis has been given to the description of the pathologicalanatomic
alterations during the pulmonary fibrosis. Also, laboratorial search methods of
the disease and the diagnostic methods were described.
Finally, during the laboratorial part 43 patients (23 ill people and 20
healthy) were probed and it was found that the sensitiveness and the speciality
of the ill people have the ability to let out the healthy people, while the
ability to let out the ill people is very low.
From our study and the international elements the diagnosis has high grade
security with the intrabronchial biopsy, which is the to do in any case.
Diffuse, Pulmonery, Fibrosis, Pulmonery, Parenchyma
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