The study of Expressed Emotion in mothers of chilren and young adolescents with depression in relation to the course of their therapy

Doctoral Dissertation uoadl:1306632 219 Read counter

Τομέας Κοινωνικής Ιατρικής - Ψυχιατρικής και Νευρολογίας
Library of the School of Health Sciences
Deposit date:
Χάρη Αικατερίνη
Dissertation committee:
Ι. Τσιάντης Αναπλ. Καθηγητής, Δ. Πλουμπίδης Αναπλ. Καθηγητής, Στ. Χριστογιώργος Επικ. Καθηγητής
Original Title:
Η μελέτη του Εκφραζόμενου Συναισθήματος (Εxpressed Εmotion) στις μητέρες παιδιών και νεαρών εφήβων με κατάθλιψη σε σχέση με την πορεία της θεραπείας τους
Translated title:
The study of Expressed Emotion in mothers of chilren and young adolescents with depression in relation to the course of their therapy
One measure of assessing the emotional family atmosphere is the index of
“Expressed Emotion” (EE). The EE evaluates the degree to which a relative
expresses criticism or hostility or emotional overinvolvement against a family
member with mental illness.
The aim of the present research is the study of the maternal EE and its
correlation to the course of therapy in children and young adolescents, who
suffer from Major Depressive Disorder or/and Dysthymic Disorder.
The 24 children of the sample (age 9-15), together with their parents were
randomly allocated to two different forms of psychotherapy: the Systems
Integrative Family Therapy and the Focused Individual Psychodynamic
Psychotherapy, accompanied by Supportive-Counseling Therapy for the parents.
Cross-sectional measurements were carried out of the variables at three phases
of therapy (baseline-end of therapy-follow up) and also measurements were
carried out of the changes in between. The 5MSS was used for the measurement of
maternal EE, while for the rest of the variables, report questionnaires and
diagnostic interviews.
Results showed that high EE mothers are of a lower educational level, attribute
more severe depressive symptomatology to their children, are in more
disagreement with their children’s self-evaluations, and their children
-according to the teachers’ views- show more withdrawn/internalizing behavior
in the school environment.
Expressed Emotion, Childhood Depression, Adolescent Depression, Therapeutic Course
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