Relationship of cardiometabolic risk factors with bone health in postmenopausal women

Doctoral Dissertation uoadl:1308317 282 Read counter

Τομέας Υγείας - Μητέρας - Παιδιού
Library of the School of Health Sciences
Deposit date:
Πλιάτσικα Παρασκευή
Dissertation committee:
Αν. Καθ. Πανουλής Κωνσταντίνος
Original Title:
Σχέση καρδιομεταβολικών παραγόντων κινδύνου με την οστική υγεία σε μετεμμηνοπαυσιακές γυναίκες
Translated title:
Relationship of cardiometabolic risk factors with bone health in postmenopausal women
This study aims to provide information to clarify the relationship between
cardio-metabolic risk and bone physiology in menopausal women. For the purpose
of the study, a sample of 1025 women followed at the Outpatient Clinic for
Menopause and Osteoporosis of the Second Obstetrics and Gynecology Department
of the University of Athens were gathered, in a cross-sectional study setting,
with parallel examination of multiple cardio-metabolic risk factors and
possible confounders. Women’s bone health and physiology were evaluated with
bone mineral density (measured by the DXA method) and rate of bone turnover
(measurements of bone-specific alkaline phosphatase). In this study,
cardio-metabolic risk factors that showed any connection to parameters of bone
health and physiology were Body Mass Index, and, after adjustment for this
factor, diagnosis of the Metabolic Syndrome (as defined by the NCEP ATP III
2005 revision), LDL cholesterol levels, and insulin resistance (HOMA-IR index
measurements). Based on the findings of this study, a personalized metabolic
approach is suggested for women entering menopause, so that any attempt to
reduce cardio-metabolic risk through lifestyle changes and medication will also
aim at ensuring the best possible conditions for bone physiology.
Menopause, Osteoporosis, Bone metabolism, Cardiometabolic risk, Metabolic syndrome
Number of index pages:
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Number of references:
Number of pages:
x, 518
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