Sick bulding syndrome as a factor effecting on human environment

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:1309823 2277 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Περιβάλλον και Υγεία: Διαχείριση Περιβαλλοντικών Θεμάτων με Επιπτώσεις στην Υγεία
Library of the School of Health Sciences
Deposit date:
Αυλωνίτου Αγγελική-Ευτυχία
Supervisors info:
Δρ. φιλοσοφίας Καλαχάνης Κωνσταντίνος
Original Title:
Το άρρωστο κτίριο ώς παράγοντας επίδρασης στο ανθρώπινο περιβάλλον
Translated title:
Sick bulding syndrome as a factor effecting on human environment
It has been observed that the air inside buildings can be contaminated due to
the external environment of the building , which directly affects the quality
of the interior and by extension the health and comfort of people living there.
One of the results that may occur due to indoor pollution is the sick building
syndrome (Sick Building Syndrome). The long-term stay in a sick building can
cause infections and diseases . The etiology of this syndrome is due to poor
air quality resulting from the construction of the bulkhead buildings ,
inefficient maintenance of ventilation systems , heating , air-conditioning ,
the urban sprawl and mainly due to the ignorance and indifference of those
responsible . The air circulates throughout the building is difficult to
control and monitor on an ongoing basis. The purpose of my work is the
identification of harmful factors responsible for the pollution of indoor and
preventing and combating the phenomenon by solving techniques . These
pollutants can be internal ( release of substances from components , furniture,
paint , mold , smoking) and external (input of pollutants from the atmosphere )
It is characteristic that the issue of a healthy area of residence has been
since ancient times by the great physician Hippocrates. His work has
investigated the environmental effects experienced by people from noxious
agents due to improper building ( ventilation , location, water quality ) . In
ancient times , the construction of buildings , guided by the principles of
bioclimatic architecture. The typical ancient house was impressive , as
manufacturers observing nature and made use of all parameters for the benefit
of their health. A typical example of bioclimatic architecture is the solar
house of Socrates. Besides, they knew that had to be sited the homes , with the
notable example houses of Olynthus . To create their settlements , choose areas
which are close to water , in order to ensure water supply and irrigation of
farmland , making even many irrigation projects . The methodology to be
followed , based on the study of the findings of modern research , which
largely documenting the Hippocratic teaching. Emerges in this way the issue of
health effects from indoor pollution , which had already been in Hippocratic
texts .
Sick building syndrome, Typical ancient house, Bioclimatic architecture, Indoor air polution, Solar house of Socrates
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