Κατεύθυνση Παθολογία της ΚύησηςLibrary of the School of Health Sciences
Γκουγκούτση Βασιλική
Supervisors info:
Καθ. Εμμ. Σαλαμαλέκης
Original Title:
Αιμοποιητικό Σύστημα. Φυσιολογικές μεταβολές κατά την κύηση. Αναιμίες - μεγαλοβλαστική - συδηροπενική αναιμία
During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes many changes in order to provide
for the needs of her growing baby. Changes in the mother’s blood are one of
these less noticeable, but important changes.
The primary physiological hematologic changes during pregnancy relate to
the expansion of plasma volume. In a normal pregnancy the plasma volume
increases 40% to 55%. Coincident with changes in plasma volume, there is a
simultaneous but less than proportional increase in red blood cell mass of 20%
to 35%. As a result, a pregnant woman’s hematocrit typically lies in the 30% to
32% range.
Most anemia in pregnancy results from an increased need for iron. Iron,
Folate and Vitamin B12 play important roles in the healthy development of the
fetus in pregnancy. Especially for many developing countries, anemia is
frequently severe and can be expected to contribute significantly to maternal
mortality and morbidity
Blood cell, pregnancy, plasma volume, iron deficiency, megaloblastic anaemia
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