Association between polymorphism of IL-18 gene and recurrent spontaneous miscarriage.

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:1313143 477 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Αναπαραγωγική-Αναγεννητική Ιατρική
Library of the School of Health Sciences
Deposit date:
Ζαφειροπούλου Αννα
Supervisors info:
Κ. Λουτράδης Δημήτριος, Κ. Δρακάκης Πέτρος, Κ. Καλλιανίδης Κωνσταντίνος
Original Title:
Οι πολυμορφισμοί του γονιδίου της ιντερλευκίνης 18 και η σχέση τους με τις επανειλλημένες αποβολές
Translated title:
Association between polymorphism of IL-18 gene and recurrent spontaneous miscarriage.
Many factors are considered responsible for causing recurrent spotaneous
abortions and treated empirically by the modern Obstetrician, while a large
proportion of automatic abortions is of unknown etiology. Over 30 genes have
different expression in women with recurrent abortions compared with those who
have normal pregnancies and thus may play a regulatory role in automatic
pregnancy loss. The aim of this thesis was to study the association of gene
polymorphism of IL-18 in position (137G/C) with recurrent spontaneous
abortions.Women who participated in the work were divided into two groups
depending on the number of abortions reported in their history. The control
group (n = 97) consists of women who reported that they didn’t had or they had
one spontaneous abortion in their history and a normal childbirth, while women
who reported at least 2 automatic (n = 90) miscarriages were a distinct group.
The immune response varies from person to person and the production of
interleukin is controlled partly genetically. That’s because of gene
polymorphisms of the genetic material that controls the production of
interleukin. As a result of increasing research in order to justify the
recurrent abortions we concluded that the Th1 immune response and interleukins
,that this response produces, are harmful for the fetus ,unlike the
interleukins produced during the Th2 immune response.
There are studies that show that some interleukin polymorphisms, can affect the
production of these interleukins and consequently the outcome of pregnancy, but
other presenting the totally opposite results. A recent study showed that the
gene polymorphism of interleukin 18 in position (137G/C) affects it’s
production and the decrease of the production seems to increase the frequency
of recurrent abortions. (Al- Khateeb GM et al 2012).
In this study we have investigated the frequency of polymorphism of interleukin
18 in position (137G/C) that appears to participate in polarization and
prevalence of Th1 immune response .
The results showed that advanced maternal age ( 38 years) and BMI, among women
who were studied, it increases the risk of repeated miscarriages, but the
result is not statistically significant. Percentages of individuals that are
homozygous for the polymorphism G>C for the IL18 gene is particularly low
(6.1%) for the control group and for the group with the recurrent miscarriages
the percentage was lower (5.6%), the presence of polymorphism is not associated
with the risk of miscarriage. We found no statistically significant
association between the genotype of the gene IL18, smoking pregnant woman, the
age, body weight and the risk of spotaneous recurrent abortions.
Interleukin 18, Polymorphism, Spotaneous, Recurrent, Abortions
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