Ανάλυση σικτύου LTE και υλοποίηση λογισμικού προσομοίωσης δικτύου LTE με χρήση JAVA SE

Graduate Thesis uoadl:1324043 2650 Read counter

Τομέας Επικοινωνιών και Επεξεργασίας Σήματος
Library of the School of Science
Deposit date:
Τσιούτσιας Θεόδωρος
Παυλής Δημήτριος
Supervisors info:
Αλωνισιώτη Αθανασία
Original Title:
Ανάλυση σικτύου LTE και υλοποίηση λογισμικού προσομοίωσης δικτύου LTE με χρήση JAVA SE
The Long Term Evolution (LTE) System is a standard of the Universal Mobile
Telecommunication System (UMTS), also known as Evolved Packet System (EPS). It
is an innovation in the wireless communications. This revolution is powered by
the non stop increase in demand for faster networks with low latency, low rate
of errors and elasticity, because of all the new users and applications depend
on all the above mentioned requirements to function efficiently.
3GPP has already held researches to cover LTE System’s future needs and ensure
the standard’s reliability. The purpose of these researches is the development
of a radio technology with high data rates, lower latency and optimal support
for packet services such as multimedia, gaming and network services. Telephony
is going to be supported with at least the same quality as the packet-switched
LTE System promises high downlink and uplink rates, range sufficiency, minimum
latency and packet error rate. The targeted system function and performance are
going to be met for sure.
LTE Standard is designed, making use of lots of groundbreaking new
technologies, in order to achieve downlink speed of up to 300 Mbps and downlink
speed of up to 75 Mbps. Moreover the system’s Quality of Service specifies
latency at less than 5ms in radio access technology.
The main purpose of this Project is the implementation of a system, subjected
to the fundamental principals of the LTE network that simulates the basic
functionality of the LTE system’s entities and to comment and explain its
Long Term Evolution, 3GPP, mobile telephony, Evolved Packet Core, simulation
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