Analysis and evaluation of MIMO systems and their application in Wireless Networks

Graduate Thesis uoadl:1324049 1597 Read counter

Τομέας Επικοινωνιών και Επεξεργασίας Σήματος
Library of the School of Science
Deposit date:
Στεφάνου Φίλιππος
Χαϊκάλης Νικόλαος
Supervisors info:
Θωμάς Σφηκόπουλος
Original Title:
Ανάλυση, Αξιολόγηση των ΜΙΜΟ συστημάτων και η εφαρμογή τους στα Ασύρματα Δίκτυα
Translated title:
Analysis and evaluation of MIMO systems and their application in Wireless Networks
The current systems of wireless communications seek continuously more for
reliable transmission of information and the simultaneous increase of spectral
efficiency, which is decreased because of the phenomena of channel, for the
benefit of reliable quality of services.
In this direction the last decade have been developed the systems of multiple
input multiple output (MIMO), which constitute most important field of research
of communication systems. The systems in question can offer increase of
capacity of communication system (b/s/Hz), via the additional territorial
dimension that imports in the existing dimension of time. Nevertheless, the
bigger advantages of this method are presented with the use of OFDM.
OFDM is a technique that has been developed for a lot of decades, however was
not possible to use because of the restrictions of material. After the most
important progress of technology in the sector of microelectronics (VLSI) and
the reduction of cost that it has today, was given the occasion so that is
developed a technique which offers important profits in the spectral
efficiency, via the repression of phenomenon of intersymbol interference (ISI).
The present technique in combination with the mentioned before technique MIMO,
offers important profits in the throughput of modern exigent communication
In the present work we study the evolution of wireless telecommunication
systems until today. We focus more on algorithms that use MIMO systems and we
study the capacity of these systems (b/s/Hz) and the influence of antennas in
the transmitter and receiver and the diversity and multiplexing gain of a MIMO
system. Finally, we study the future of MIMO systems which is Massive MIMO,
reffering to its advantages and diadvantages that occur implementing them.
multiple input – multiple output systems, wireless network, data channels, antenna, transmitter
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