The contribution of cryotherapy-cryosurgery in the treatment of lung cancer with endobronchial obstruction

Doctoral Dissertation uoadl:1450096 226 Read counter

Τομέας Χειρουργικής
Library of the School of Health Sciences
Deposit date:
Chatziantoniou Christos
Dissertation committee:
Περικλής Τόμος, Επίκουρος Καθηγητής, Ιατρική, ΕΚΠΑ
Γρηγόριος Κουράκλης,Καθηγητής,Ιατρική,ΕΚΠΑ
Παναγιώτης Ασημακόπουλος,Ομότιμος Καθηγητής,Ιατρική,ΕΚΠΑ
Μιχαήλ Σέχας, Ομότιμος Καθηγητής, Ιατρική,ΕΚΠΑ
Χρήστος Ρόκκας,Αναπλ. Καθηγητής,Ιατρική,ΕΚΠΑ
Παναγιώτης Μιχαήλ, Αν.Καθηγητής,Ιατρική,ΕΚΠΑ
Δημήτριος Αγγουρας,Αν.Καθηγητής,Ιατρική,ΕΚΠΑ
Original Title:
Η συμβολή της κρυοθεραπείας-κρυοχειρουργικής στην αντιμετώπιση καρκίνου στον πνεύμονα με βρογχική απόφραξη
Translated title:
The contribution of cryotherapy-cryosurgery in the treatment of lung cancer with endobronchial obstruction
Advanced lung cancer presents a great challenge because surgical therapy cannot offer any form of help to these patients. In this study 160 patients with stage IIIa, IIIb, and IV and endobronchial tumor that had no option for surgical treatment were included in a protocol that consisted of at least two sessions of endobronchial cryotherapy under general anesthesia, plus 3 cycles of chemotherapy and or radiation therapy after 1st cryotherapy.
Type of tumor, stage of disease, pathology, clinical follow up of severity of symptoms, lung functional studies, performance status of the patients, survival time that is time from 1st cryo to death were meticulously recorded. The results were encouraging and showed that symptoms of dyspnea, cough and hemoptysis were significantly reduced after Cryosurgery(p<0.001) and lung function tests improved by 15-20%. Performance status of most patients increased from 62+/- 5 to 75+/-7 (Karnofsky scale, p<0.05)and from 3.15+/-0.9 to 2.3+/-0.5 (WHO scale, p<0.05).Survival increased considerably mean 16+ months for stages IIIa and IIIb for the 1st year and 18 months for the 2nd year of follow up.
Low rate of complications and increased feeling of well being and quality of life characterize the efficiency of this method. Combination with other therapies provides better results and there is evidence that immune system activation after is increasing, something that is to be investigated in the future.
Main subject category:
Health Sciences
Advanced lung cancer, Cryotherapy, Combination with chemotherapy-radiation, Survival
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