Anaerobic capacity, isometric endurance and performance of Greek laser class sailors

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:1503600 315 Read counter

ΠΜΣ Βιολογία της Άσκησης
Library of the School of Physical Education and Sport Science
Deposit date:
Vaggelakoudi Anna
Supervisors info:
Νικολόπουλος Γ., Καθηγητής, ΤΕΦΑΑ, ΕΚΠΑ
Αναστασιάδης Μ., Καθηγητής, ΤΕΦΑΑ, ΕΚΠΑ
Γελαδάς Ν., Επίκουρος Καθηγητής, ΤΕΦΑΑ, ΕΚΠΑ
Original Title:
Αναερόβια ικανότητα, ισομετρική αντοχή και απόδοση Ελλήνων ιστιοπλόων κατηγορίας σκαφών laser
Translated title:
Anaerobic capacity, isometric endurance and performance of Greek laser class sailors
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate anaerobic capacity and isometric endurance of Greek Laser class sailors and to estimate the correlations that the above parameters may have, with the sailing performance and the national ranking list.
Sixteen (16) male Laser class sailors participated in the study. Eight of them were the best Greek Laser class sailors, according to the national ranking list (group A) and the rest were club sailors (group B). All the subjects performed: a) Two or three maximal voluntary contractions (MVC) and four contractions at submaximal intensities (40%,50%, 60%,70% MVC), in order to obtain the force(%MVC)- myoelectric response (%RMS ) curve of their quadriceps muscles. b) An effort to exhaustion at a boat simulator, during which the %MVC used was estimated as the corresponding value to the measured RMS (according to the previously obtained curve).c) An effort of isometric endurance at the %MVC previously estimated at the boat simulated. d) Wingate test . Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, t-test or Mann-Whitney U test and Pearson or Spearman correlation coefficient.
There was statistical significant difference (p<0,05) among the groups at the MVC of the right leg (165,6 ± 25,2 vs 141± 29,9 Ν*m), the isometric endurance (mean value for the two legs 155 ±44 vs 99 ±28,7 sec), performance at the boat simulator (39501,75±37960,87 vs 13204,38±9784,61 sec*kg) and fatigue index in the Wingate test (42±5%vs 49±6%). The ranking list positively correlated with mean and maximal an-aerobic power, isometric endurance of the right leg, lean body weight and body height. The isometric endurance correlated with fatigue index in both groups and the MVC, as well as mean and peak absolute power, with the lean body weight. Performance at the boat simulator was positively correlated with MVC of the left leg and the mean arterial pressure.
Anaerobic capacity and isometric en-durance of the quadriceps seems to be significant for the Laser class sailors’ good performance. Furthermore, at the same level of cardiovascular stress, the best of the Greek sailors are more competent in muscle work production.
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