Trait Emotional Intelligence, Motivation and Academic Emotions in Secondary School Students

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:2656219 770 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Εφαρμογές της Ψυχολογίας στη σχολική κοινότητα
Library of the School of Philosophy
Deposit date:
Pouliopoulou Ioanna
Supervisors info:
Δημητροπούλου Παναγιώτα, Επίκουρη Καθηγήτρια Εκπαιδευτικής Ψυχολογίας του Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης
Φιλιππάτου Διαμάντω, Επίκουρη Καθηγήτρια Εκπαιδευτικής Ψυχολογίας του Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλίας
Τάνταρος Σπυρίδων, Καθηγητής Αναπτυξιακής Ψυχολογίας του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών
Original Title:
Συναισθηματική Νοημοσύνη, Κίνητρα Μάθησης και Ακαδημαϊκά Συναισθήματα σε μαθητές Γυμνασίου
Translated title:
Trait Emotional Intelligence, Motivation and Academic Emotions in Secondary School Students
The main purpose of the current study was to examine the correlations between Trait Emotional Intelligence (TEI), motivation and academic emotions in Secondary School students. In addition, this study examined the effect of student’s age, performance and family status on the three aforementioned variables, while an attempt was made to predict motivation and academic emotions from TEI. The study’s sample consisted of 204 students, attending A, B and C class of 3 different Secondary Schools in Attica.
Students completed the following 4 questionnaires: a) the demographic questionnaire, b) the questionnaire for the measurement of perceived Emotional Intelligence: «Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire – Adolescent Short Form, TEIQue-ASF» (Petrides, Sangareau, Furnham, & Frederickson, 2006), c) the questionnaire for motivation: «Motivation Strategies for Learning Questionnaire, MSLQ» (Pintrich & DeGroot, 1990) and d) the questionnaire for achievement emotions: «The Achievement Emotions Questionnaire: Validation for Pre-adolescent Students, AEQ- Pre- Adolescents» (Peixoto, Mata, Monteiro & Sanches, 2015).
Results showed that TEI is positively correlated with self- efficacy (SE) and value- component (VC), which are two dimensions of motivation, as well as with positive academic emotions in the conditions of classroom and exam. Negative correlations were found between TEI and test anxiety (TA), or other negative academic emotions. Furthermore, SE and CV correlated positively to academic emotions, but negatively to negative emotions. It was also showed that the factor of school performance was responsible for more important variations, in terms of SE, VC, negative and positive emotions in both conditions, in contrast to the age factor, which had no significant effect. On the contrary, the students’ answers did not seem to be differentiated according to their family status. Finally, TEI was found to be a significant predictor of SE and positive emotions and, to a lesser extent, TA and other negative emotions.
Main subject category:
Philosophy - Psychology
secondary school, trait emotional intelligence, motivation, academic emotions
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Πουλιοπούλου_Διπλωματική Εργασία_Πέργαμος.pdf (1 MB) Open in new window