Characteristics of children presenting themselves at an outpatient clinic of a tertiary hospital

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:2838124 216 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Κλινική Νοσηλευτική: Παιδιατρική Νοσηλευτική
Library of the School of Health Sciences
Deposit date:
Garatziotis Vasileios
Supervisors info:
Παυλοπούλου Ιωάννα, Αναπληρώτρια Καθηγήτρια, Νοσηλευτική, ΕΚΠΑ
Τσουμάκας Κωνσταντίνος, Καθηγητής , Νοσηλευτική, ΕΚΠΑ
Φώτος Νικόλαος, Επίκουρος Καθηγητής, Νοσηλευτική, ΕΚΠΑ
Original Title:
Χαρακτηριστικά παιδιών που προσέρχονται στο εξωτερικό ιατρείο τριτοβάθμιου νοσοκομείου
Translated title:
Characteristics of children presenting themselves at an outpatient clinic of a tertiary hospital
Background: The financial crisis in Greece has largely affected the health care needs of its population, especially in vulnerable groups such as children. This study aims to investigate and describe the characteristics of children presenting themselves at the outpatient clinic of “P. & A. Kyriakou” Children’s Hospital and how these characteristics change, in connection with both the economic and refugee crisis faced by Greece.
Μethod: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in two different time periods, before (2008-2010) and after (2017-2018) the financial crisis in Greece. Data were collected from the medical records regarding gender, age, nationality and country of origin, as well as the overall number of visits and the medical reason of attendance. Data analysis was performed using the IBM SPSS 21.0 software platform. The p value was set to ≥ 0.05.
Results: Patients’ visits increased from 420 in 2008-2010 to 708 in 2017-2018, which represents an increase of 68.6 %. The majority of visits were conducted from children of foreign nationality (from 43.6 % to 66.8%, p<0,001), originating from countries of Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe (from 11.1% to 42.2%, p<0,001). There was also an absolute increase at the attendance from Greek children (from 177 to 210) a percentage change of 18.7 % (p<0,001). In the 2008-2010 period the main causes of attendance were clinical examination/laboratory testing, while in the 2017-2018 the dominant cause of attendance (78.6%, p<0,001) was vaccination (immunization).
Conclusions: There was a significant increase in the total number of the children presenting themselves at the outpatient clinic after the onset of the economic and refugee crisis. This increase was observed in both Greek and foreign children, with the percentage change being greater for the foreign children. Immunization was the main cause of attendance after the onset of the crisis, especially for the migrant and refugee children. Future research is suggested, utilizing a greater sample size and the collection of more detailed data.
Main subject category:
Health Sciences
Clinical and demographic characteristics of children, Pediatric outpatient clinic, Financial/economic crisis and health care, Migrant and refugee children, Primary care, Emergency health care
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