New or not infections of the refugees and the greek population in the greek territory

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:2838844 366 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Οργάνωση και Διοίκηση Υπηρεσιών Υγείας
Library of the School of Health Sciences
Deposit date:
Makri Alexadra
Supervisors info:
Μαριάννα Διομήδους, Αναπλ. Καθηγήτρια, Νοσηλευτική, ΕΚΠΑ
Αθηνά Καλοκαιρινού, Αναπλ. Καθηγήτρια, Νοσηλευτική, ΕΚΠΑ
Ελένη Θεοδοσοπούλου, Αναπλ. Καθηγήτρια, Νοσηλευτική, ΕΚΠΑ
Original Title:
Νεοαναδιόμενες και μη λοιμώξεις των προσφύγων και του ελληνικού πληθυσμού στον ελλαδικό χώρο
Translated title:
New or not infections of the refugees and the greek population in the greek territory
Emerging infections are a serious threat to life in both developed and developing countries. Re-emerging infectious diseases are diseases that once constituted a serious health problem worldwide or in a particular country and then declined dramatically, but today have a strong appearance in a significant proportion of the population (examples are malaria and tuberculosis).
The factors responsible for their reappearance include: a) the massive and rapid movement of the population by air; b) the uncontrolled entry of immigrants and third country nationals to our country; c) the development of resistance of several antibiotics to microbes due to the overuse of the latter; d) mistakes in the strategy in the implementation of broad vaccination programs such as complacency and lack of epidemiological surveillance by the health services after the initial rapid reduction in outbreaks, the insufficient recording of the target population’s vaccination coverage, the observed lack of access of minority groups (e.g. gypsies), the incorrect selection of vaccination regimes, etc.; and e) the absence of extensive population screening programs for diseases such as tuberculosis.
This is a serious threat and introduces no discrimination based on sex, age, social, economic or political context. Despite significant progress in the healthcare system, the sudden and unpredictable nature of the events leaves little room for a directly effective strategy that could be useful in eliminating an imminent outbreak. The problem of the emergence of infectious diseases is not limited to any country and a strong and sustainable international cooperation is required to prevent and control them.
Main subject category:
Health Sciences
Greek territory, Vaccination, Infection, Epidemiological surveillance
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