Depictions and illustrations of the elderly in the temporary childrens picture books: granfather and grandmother

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:2865347 493 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Ανάγνωση, Φιλαναγνωσία και εκπαιδευτικό υλικό
Library of the School of Education
Deposit date:
Lentza Argyro
Supervisors info:
Μαλαφάντης Κωνσταντίνος, Καθηγητής Παιδαγωγικής και Λογοτεχνίας,ΠΤΔΕ, ΕΚΠΑ
Γαλανάκη Ευαγγελία, Καθηγήτρια Αναπτυξιακής Ψυχολογίας,ΠΤΔΕ, ΕΚΠΑ
Μπαμπάλης Θωμάς, Καθηγητής Ψυχοκοινωνιολογίας στη σχολική τάξη,ΠΤΔΕ,ΕΚΠΑ
Original Title:
Όψεις και αναπαραστάσεις της τρίτης ηλικίας στο σύγχρονο παιδικό, εικονογραφημένο βιβλίο: ο παππούς και η γιαγιά
Translated title:
Depictions and illustrations of the elderly in the temporary childrens picture books: granfather and grandmother
With the elderly population group growing steadily on the latest demographic measurements, social redeployments are under way. Sociology, particularly the emerging science of gerontology, points to the multidimensional presence of the elderly within the entire world population, and brings out the necessity of rebuilding society, starting from its fundamentalstructure, the family. Separation of people based on age classifications often leads to dystopia, as age is defined in multifactorial ways, in relation to external characteristics, social aspects, occupational facts, physical condition and spiritual well-being(Feldman, 2011: 258).
Given that children’s literature -and in particular, the illustrated picture books- is, among others, a conduit for the two-way transfer of attitudes and perceptions to and from society, addressed mainly to the more pliable population -the child- we are studying whether it shares the aforementioned changes or does it reproduce fixed, stereotyped images of grandparents.
In the sample of the books we examined, it came clear as a fact thatillustratorsintent to show less stereotypical forms of the elderly, in relation to what studies in earlier samples have been indicating.Writers and illustrators did not manage to avoid all stereotypical approaches, yet, they seem to embrace the social changes in a slow pace. The dominant aim of the writers seems to be theemotional empowerment of the child against the eventuality of death, through the literary loss of grandparents. Meanwhile, child's perception of ageism and decay itself is beginning to occupy the literary community’s interest.There has been detected, an increasing display of the elders’ health deterioration and signs of aging, within a comforting, mildly realistic approach by the book contributors. Only a negligible percentage of our sample, depicted dimensions of the elderly life, apart from their involvement with grandchildren.
Main subject category:
Social, Political and Economic sciences
elderly, aging, ageism, grandfather, grandmother, intergenerational relationships, death, conception of ageing and death, children’s picture books, illustrations, stereotypes
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