Κατεύθυνση Θεωρητικά ΜαθηματικάLibrary of the School of Science
Supervisors info:
Διονύσιος Λάππας Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής Τμήμα Μαθηματικών
Original Title:
Έννοιες καμπυλότητας με έμφαση στους χώρους σταθερής καμπυλότητας Riemann.
Translated title:
Concepts of curvature with an emphasis on Riemann fixed curvature.
The historical path and evolution of the concept.
The properties of fixed curvature spaces and the local description of Riemann curvature coefficients.
Through Riemann's own considerations, the proof of the Riemann Theorem is described where it characterizes all spaces that at some point have a curvature of zero as spaces locally isometric with the Euclidean space which we have provided with the usual Euclidean metric.
Τhe Theorem of Structure of Constant Curvature Areas is presented and a short historical reference is made to the isometric groups of Space forms.
Main subject category:
Riemann, Space forms, Schur
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Έννοιες καμπυλότητας με έμφαση στους χώρους σταθερής καμπυλότητας Riemann-Αργυρίου Αρετή.pdf
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