Infections and Antibiotics: From Abuse to Rational Use

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:2879971 355 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Διδακτική της Βιολογίας
Library of the School of Science
Deposit date:
Koutsokosta Pavlina
Supervisors info:
Τσιτσιλώνη Ουρανία, Καθηγήτρια Ανοσολογίας, Τμήμα Βιολογίας, ΕΚΠΑ
Original Title:
Λοιμώξεις και Αντιβιοτικά: Από την κατάχρηση στην ορθολογική χρήση
Translated title:
Infections and Antibiotics: From Abuse to Rational Use
The thesis consists of two parts. In Part A, which is also the theoretical part of the thesis, reference is made to the basic types of microorganisms: bacteria, protozoa, fungi, and viruses. Their basic characteristics and some of the diseases they cause are described. Infections are analysed, the way they are transmitted, the most common seasonal infections and their symptoms, and the defense mechanisms recruited by the human body to combat them. At the end of Part Α, we provide information about antibiotics, their categories and their mode of action, as well as a bibliographic overview of the history of antibiotics in which the major problem of the resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics are highlighted. In Part B we present the didactic approach used in the frame of a Health Educational program entitled "Infections and antibiotics: from abuse to rational use". In the specific curriculum, the following modules were approached:
• Introduction to the world of microorganisms. In this module, students are introduced into the world of microorganisms, initially investigating the different types and forms of microorganisms, and then they carefully examine beneficial and harmful microorganisms through an interactive learning game.
• Useful and pathogenic microorganisms. In this section, students understand that not all microorganisms are harmful, by examining the ways and means via which we use certain organisms to our benefit. By producing yoghurt, students directly observe how microorganisms can be used in food industry. Using a microscope, they are encouraged to see on their own a yoghurt culture and the presence of "useful" microbes.
• Learning the most basic infections and ways of germ transmission. Here, students are introduced to various health issues that are related to harmful microorganisms and are encouraged to work as scientists by grouping different diseases, giving headings according to the problems that may arise. By performing this activity, students are taught that it is not always easy to identify and cure a disease.
• Observing the necessary public and personal hygiene rules. This module aims to teach students how poor handhygiene can lead to transmission of micro-organisms and diseases. Students perform an experiment, observing that micro-organisms can be transmitted from person to person, with a simple handshake. They also decide which method is best for handwashing and the way in which poor respiratory hygiene can lead to the transmission of microbes and diseases. In addition to Respiratory Hygiene, students are able to observe on a large scale how far the microorganisms are transported by sneezing or coughing and how many people can be affected. Through some experiments, students learn that covering the mouth, when someone coughs and sneezes, helps to prevent the transmission of infections.
• When antibiotics should be used and the consequences of their inappropriate use. Development of resistant microbial strains and effects on humans and the environment. This module explores the use of antibiotics and drugs in the treatment of various diseases and infectious diseases. In this practical, acids and bases are used on agar plates instead of bacteria and antibiotics, respectively. Divided in groups, the students control various antibiotics (acidic solutions) against bacteria (indicator on the agar material) cultured by hypothetical patient samples and determine what disease patients have from a list provided.
Main subject category:
Health Sciences
Μicroorganisms, infections, antibiotics, didactic approach, Course Plans
Number of index pages:
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