Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia. Epidemiological data of patients examined at "Α. Sygros" hospital the last decade

Doctoral Dissertation uoadl:2880869 337 Read counter

Faculty of Medicine
Library of the School of Health Sciences
Deposit date:
Papanikou Sofia
Dissertation committee:
Ρηγόπουλος Δημήτριος, Καθηγητής, Ιατρική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ
Στρατηγός Αλέξανδρος, Καθηγητής, Ιατρική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ
Γεωργίου Σοφία, Καθηγήτρια, Ιατρική Σχολή, Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών
Χατζηιωάννου Αργυρώ. Αναπληρώτρια Καθηγήτρια, Ιατρική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ, Επιβλέπουσα
Νικολαΐδου Ηλέκτρα, Αναπληρώτρια Καθηγήτρια, Ιατρική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ
Παπαδαυίδ Ευαγγελία, Αναπληρώτρια Καθηγήτρια, Ιατρική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ
Κατούλης Αλέξανδρος, Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής, Ιατρική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ
Original Title:
Πρόσθια Ινωτική Αλωπεκία. Επιδημιολογικά δεδομένα σε περιστατικά της τελευταίας 10ετίας που εξετάστηκαν στο νοσοκομείο "Α. Συγγρός"
Translated title:
Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia. Epidemiological data of patients examined at "Α. Sygros" hospital the last decade
Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia (FFA) is a disease that belongs to the primary lymphocytic cicatricial alopecia. In recent years there has been a worldwide increase in the incidence of the disease.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to record the epidemiological data of patients with frontal fibrosing alopecia examined in the hospital "Α. Sygros " hospital, over a period of 10 years as well as investigating the possible factors that may affect the disease, as there is no such study in Greece so far.

Material-Method: 300 patients with the disease were enrolled in the hospital, and a special questionnaire based on the socio-demographic and medical data of the patients was used in order to collect the data and also to investigate the factors likely to be associated with the particular disease.
In addition to the description of the data, the Kolmogorov test for the regularity of distributions, the X2-test, the Mann-Whitney Test, the variance analysis and the multiple regression accounting were used as a statistical analysis method. The statistical program SPSS 22.0 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) was used for the analysis.
Results: 300 patients were studied, of whom 284 (94.7%) were women and 16 men (5.3%). Their age ranged from 26 to 92 years with an average of 61.7. 82.7% of women. The duration of the disease ranged from 0.5-32 years with an average of 6.6 years, while the mean duration of the eyebrow loss was 6. 4 years (0.2-32). 159 patients (53%) had a less than 1 cm recession, 93 (31%) had 1-2.99 cm, 35 (11.7%) 3-4.99, while 13 patients (4.3%) had 5-6.99cm. 12.7% of women had ovariectomy with an average ovariectomy age of 47 years (21-74). 56.3% of the patients were suffering from thyroid disease, 34% from hyperlipidemia, 22.7% from anemia, 15.7% from hypertension, 8% from osteoporosis, 7.7% from depression and 5.7% from allergies. 40.3% of them had a family history of androgenetic alopecia, and 13.3% FFA.
Conclusions: The completion of the study highlighted the epidemiological data of the patients and the findings are consistent with the results of relevant studies from the international literature.
Main subject category:
Health Sciences
Frontal fibrosing alopecia, Cicatricial alopecia, Epidemiology
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