Δημιουργία συστήματος για επεξεργασία και ασύρματη μετάδοση μουσικής ηλεκτρικής κιθάρας

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:2886173 404 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Μουσική Τεχνολογία
Library of the School of Philosophy
Deposit date:
Kokkinos Georgios
Supervisors info:
Αρετή Ανδρεοπούλου, Επίκουρη Καθηγήτρια, Τμήμα Μουσικών Σπουδών, Ε.Κ.Π.Α.
Αναστασία Γεωργάκη, Αναπληρώτρια Καθηγήτρια, Τμήμα Μουσικών Σπουδών, Ε.Κ.Π.Α.
Χριστίνα Αναστασοπούλου, Αναπληρώτρια Καθηγήτρια, Τμήμα Μουσικών Σπουδών, Ε.Κ.Π.Α.
Original Title:
Δημιουργία συστήματος για επεξεργασία και ασύρματη μετάδοση μουσικής ηλεκτρικής κιθάρας
Translated title:
Δημιουργία συστήματος για επεξεργασία και ασύρματη μετάδοση μουσικής ηλεκτρικής κιθάρας
The ongoing evolution of technology affects people and their daily lives, offering new tools and methods to serve their needs. Musicians, also, are affected by the constant evolution of music technology. The need for artistic expression leads musicians to exploring new, pioneering tools and, in collaboration with the sound engineers, to evolve existing ones. This project aims to design, construct and program such a pioneer system using open source hardware/software. Through literature review, we go through a historical flashback to the evolution of Bluetooth wireless communication technology and in particular to its audio applications. Additionally, we examine the operation of the electric guitar multi-effect systems and their evolution until nowadays. Furthermore, we look into Open-Source technologies and the DIY (do it yourself) community.
The second part of the project involves the construction and programming of the system. For the hardware part, initially, the choice of individual components is made on the basis of the characteristics they offer. After the supply of the components and the design of the electronic circuit, the construction of the circuit and the connection with the microcomputer is carried out. Afterwards, the assembly of individual parts takes place in the protective enclosure, and therefore the systemcomes to its final form. The software part includes all the programmatic code needed to run the system. Initially, the operating system of the Raspberry Pi microcomputer is presented and its basic commands are described. Moreover, C language, which is the programming language of the system code, is being analyzed and especially its applications for digital signal processing and wireless audio transmission over Bluetooth. The structure of the system code is presented below and explanatory comments are used to analyze its operation. Finally, results and conclusions regarding the system are presented and suggestions are made for future research.
Main subject category:
Technology - Computer science
Digital Signal Processing, Wireless Bluetooth Audio Transmission, Analog Electronics for Audio Applications, C Programming Language, Open-Source Technology
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Διπλωματική Εργασία Τελικό - Γεώργιος Κόκκινος.pdf (7 MB) Open in new window